A Film By Peter Parker

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Starts off with 'A Film By Peter Parker'

We are shown through phone camera Queens, New York

PETER V.O: New York, Queens. It's a rough borough, but hey it's home

Peter 1: Oh no not this (puts his head down in emberrasment)

Tony: Oh is this the video diary?

HAPPY: Who are you talking to?

Shows that Peter is in the back of a car with happy driving

PETER: No one just making a little video of the trip

Natasha: That's cute

HAPPY: You know you can't show it to anyone

PETER: Yeah I know

HAPPY: Then why are you narrating in that voice?

Scott: Because it's fun

PETER: Um..... because its fun


Tony: Parrot

HAPPY: Fun (puts sunglasses on)

Daisy: The dude could be a little nicer

Tony: He grows on you he is really a big softie

PETER: So, uh, why do they call you Happy?

Happy then puts the divider between them up

Yelena: That is a little rude

Peter 3: But why do they call him happy?

Everyone laughs at this but looks to Tony for an explanation

Tony: It's a long story

Scene cuts to outside where there is a private plane waiting

HAPPY: Come on I'm not carrying your bags lets go

PETER: Hey, Should I go to the bathroom before?

Elena: Have you never been on a plane before?

Peter 1: Not until that moment

HAPPY: There's a bathroom on it

We see there is no pilot

Peter 2: That is cool no pilot

PETER: Woah, no pilot? that's awesome

He sits down in front of Happy

HAPPY: Is that where you're gonna sit?



Quill: You are probably annoying the hell out of tha guy

HAPPY: This your first time on a private plane?

peter: My first time on any plane

Happy then gets up to move seats

Steve: Tony.... Happy has to learn to be a litte nicer

Peter 1: Oh its no big deal Mr. Rogers honestly

Steve: Please call me Steve

Tony: Ya that aint gonna happen Cap I've been trying for 2 years for him to call me Tony

Should it? should it be? should it be making that noise

Rhodey: Just take a breath to calm down man

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