🦁 Chapter 55

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A/N: For clarity's sake, this chapter takes place the next day. The day after Y/N met Minerva.

Grim was still in a mood when he and Yuu arrived back at the dorm. "I just don't wanna do anything... Nothing brings me joy if I can't play magift." He kicked at the corner of the rug in the sitting room.

"Still going on about that," Yuu asked, half-joking. It wasn't a little known fact that Grim had a talent for getting hooked on one idea if it sounded good enough to him. He plopped himself down on the couch and pulled his textbooks out of his bag. 

"What's up Grim-y boy?"

Yuu glanced up from a page on different herbs and smiled when he saw that the three Ramshackle dorm ghosts had appeared. They were often there to welcome the live residents back to the dorm after a long day of classes, though they usually wanted to play with them rather than let them study. Y/N seemed to be the only one who was able to curb their playful attitudes long enough to get some studying in.

"What's got your fur in a bunch?"

The plumpest of the ghosts floated down next to Grim and poked one of his droopy ears. "He's pouting 'cause they won't let him play in the magical shift tournament. Hee hee hee!" 

"If you wanna play that bad, we'll play against you! We were players that drove the crowd wild ninety years ago!"

"We need a team of seven, right?" 

The ghosts just waved their hands dismissively at Grim's concern. "Doesn't matter since it's not official! Let's go!"

The ghosts pulled Yuu and Grim by the hand (or paw in Grim's case) out of Ramshackle and into the grounds behind the dorm. Though the dorm was slowly being patched up as Y/N learned more and more magic, the grounds had not received any sort of attention or care yet. They were in a minor state of disrepair, but it wasn't bad enough to hinder the unofficial game of Magift. 

The ghost pulled out an old magift disk from a small trunk behind the building and held it out for Grim to enchant. Once it was floating, the ghosts told Yuu and Grim to stand at one end of the designated field, while they stood, or floated, down at the other end. 

"Don't worry too much about the rules," one of the ghosts called. "just take the disc and put it through the goal."

Grim smirked as the disk floated over his head, seemingly bound to him by the magic spell. "I'm gonna leave you all in the dust!"

"Better watch out, everyone goes after the guy holding the disk with magic! Hee hee hee!"

"Game start!"

The game started with Grim charging the enemy ranks, only to find that he had vastly underestimated the ghost's ability to play the game. They played for the better part of an hour until the sun started to set over the horizon and they decided to call it quits to prevent any injuries.

As they were packing up the game, still laughing at the great time that they had, Crowley appeared in the middle of the field.

"Hello, everyone. Are you playing magical shift?"

Grim jumped at the sudden voice and whirled around as if he was about to attack someone. "Geh. It's the guy that always brings down the room." Clearly, he still wasn't over the fact that he wasn't allowed to play magical shift.

Crowley ignored the complaints. "I see you getting along well with the dorm ghosts. Splendid, splendid."

Grim looked ready to attack the headmaster right then and there, and he probably would have if Y/N hadn't come out at that moment, already dressed in her nightclothes and her long robe. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. 

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