Reflected XXIII

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Chapter 23: Beautiful

*8 months later*

"Hero, if you don't stop telling me to breathe I will fucking kill you!" I yell at Hero as he holds onto my hand. A wave of pain rushes through me and I clench his hand harder.

"You are almost fully dialated Ms. Langford." The doctor says and I glare at him.

"Mrs. Tiffin." I say and groan as the pain increases. He looks over at Hero and he just stares at my sweaty face.

"I'm gonna kill you." I groan out through clenched teeth as I glare at Hero.

"Why baby?" He asks as his brows furrow.

"Because you got me pregnant and now I'm in pain." I groan and try to breathe in and out to make the pain subside.

"Okay Mrs. Tiffin. I need you to push." The doctor says and I lay my head back, closing my eyes. Hero moves closer to the front of the bed and holds onto my hand.

"Come on baby." He whispers in my ear and kisses my cheek. "You can do it." He says and I take in a deep breath. I grip his hand and push, causing me to scream out. "That's it baby." He says and I push again. It goes like this for what seems like forever until I hear crying. Exhaustion overcomes me and I fall back on the bed, my eyes invaulentarily closing.

"You did so good baby." Hero says, kissing my cheek again.

"You have a beautiful baby girl." The doctor says, holding our daughter in his hands. I open my eyes, looking at my my girl. Her cries have stopped and now her eyes are open. She has the same color eyes that I do, light smokey grey with a hint of green and hazel. She's beautiful.

"What's her name?" The doctor asks and he walks over, handing her to me. I hold her close to my chest, looking down at her, feeling the motherly need to protect her from everyone and everything.

"Scarlett Baylee Fieness-Tiffin." I say as I smile at her. Looking up at Hero, he has tears in his eyes and a wide smile on his face as he looks at us.

"Come hold her." I say and he walks over to us. I support her head as I hand her to him. He takes her effortlessly and holds her close to him. The sight of him holding her, looking down at her with nothing but love makes my heart warm.

"You're so beautiful. Just like your mother." He whispers to her and she looks up at him.

"Okay. Is it okay if I take her and clean her up?" The doctor asks and I look up at him. I nod and Hero hands Scarlett to him. The doctor quickly walks away and both Hero and I watch her as she walks away. He looks over at me and walks over, laying on the bed beside me. He pulls me to his chest and I wrap my arms around his waist.

"I'm so proud of you baby." He says, kissing the top of my head. In a few minutes that seem like a lifetime, our daughter is brought back to us and the doctor hands her to me first. I hold her in my hands so easily. It's like everything else in the world has faded. There is nothing there but her.

"She has your eyes." Hero whispers to me and I look up at him, giving him a small smile. When I move, she starts crying and I look down at her.

"She's probably hungry." The doctor says and I look over at her. "I'll leave so that you can feed her." She says and I nod.

"Do you want me to leave too?" Hero asks and I raise a brow at him.

"You act like you haven't seen them before." I say and he chuckles.

"True, also like I haven't done what she's-" He starts to say and I narrow my eyes at him. He holds his hands up and chuckles.

"Not while she's listening." I say and he smiles down at her. I unbutton the front of my gown and move her so that she can get some milk. After a while, she's done and falls quickly asleep. I button my gown back up and just stare down at her as she sleeps. She's probably the most perfect thing I have ever seen.

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