Chapter 1: Summon the king

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Asia POV

I was walking around the church areas when suddenly a wounded man and i healed him...


Man: I cant.... Go.... On!!!

Asia: Here let me help you!

I then healed the man and then he took off with a happy smile and then I did not know that there is someone watching me and then he somehow reported to the main church...

As I returned the priests said so many harsh words that made me cry and then one then said...

???: I hereby excommunicate Asia Argento for using the powers of good to heal a vile devil

Asia: Devil???? What do you mean devil????

???: You should have known Asia that the man you just healed is a devil... You have fallen as a holy maiden... Now scram or be executed by exorcists...

End Pov

Asia then ran and ran and then later she rested and then cried uncontrolled and then later she has almost no money and the has to go on live on her own...

Asia then have an idea to go around and then her headpiece is still on and then she removed it and even threw it and then up to the trash. Asia still kept jer crucifix as now her lucky charm to ho on living on her own...

Asia now shelters herself in a cabin just near the forest and then she settles there and then...

Asia: Right... I have to make money to live....

Then time passes by...

Asia always finds some part-time jobs but is somehow hot in but due to her clumsy personality she always breaks some plates or some things that made them fire her but she somehow made money...

Asia(mind): I will never be able live on as i wanted... Why??? GOD, why!!!!


Some black-winged people are stalking Asia and they are always looking at her like something to sacrifice...

???: So she is gone huh?

???: Her sacred gear can be useful to us we have to use her as we want...

???: No as we planned. ... We will take her sacred gear from her and I don't care if she dies...

???: If she somehow survived... We can use her like a Toy.   Hheheehheh

The fallen angels are now gone and then continued their mission...

The next day...

Asia is now selling Newspaper as he now new job and this is the only job that she is very good at... Many old ladies come to talk to her and then they always give her a smile and even chat with her...

Asia: Ah thank you!

Old lady: Ah don't worry young one... I will always buy from you since they are cheap! And a perfect price for an old lady like me!

Asia: Thank you for your kind words!

Asia is staying there at the heart of Italy where people are all around and the area is always crowded with people which makes her newspapers sold at a good price... Old people and some young people who need it for a school project...

As of now she is somehow known for the old-timers and always talk to her and she always listens to their problems and stuff and many more...

As of now Asia's life from being excommunicated to a normal girl who sells newspapers are going well until...

FATE/Fallen maiden(DxD x Servant master Asia)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin