FATE/ Holy maiden trailer

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Asia: Servants.... beings from myths, legends, and heroic tales told by everyone in the lands from far and near, they possess powers that defy and rewrite fate... the desire to continue to serve for humanity also comes.....



















also, the ones who desire to destroy humanity....



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Asia: Hm? Mavis

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Asia: Hm? Mavis...

Mavis: Asia... you re also called here, Huh?

Asia: They said it's important.... the question is....

Mavis: how important....

They entered the office and saw Waver, Tohsaka, and Shirou there...

Waver: you have arrived...

Mavis; No shit sherlock..


Asia: be nice..

Waver: Now as for the reason you are here...

Then the screen shows the tube with some people inside it...

Waver: The greater grail is found and we have determined that another Holy grail war will start again soon.... 

Asia: Where is the Holy grail?

FATE/Fallen maiden(DxD x Servant master Asia)Where stories live. Discover now