Chapter 13: Miyasato vs all(Epilouge season 1)

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Miyasato (Narrates): Holy Grail... the omnipotent object that can fulfill any wish... but due to this holy grail war.. the inner greed of mages are shown whether good or bad, are exposed due to the influence of this blessed cursed object.... I was summoned by the Grail itself for unknown reasons... but it feels like the Grail changed its course of doing the Grail war... summoned a strong servant and then let the "Winners" Sin the final fight or what I call the Test of worth... 

Asia reported to Rin and then right now they're inside the Emiya residence and they rethinking the course of movement they will do

Rin: I see the final servant has arrived rather late

Asia: yeah... however this servant is not like other servants... 

Shirou: What is the weapon it had?

Asia; Chains... and the drill- like sword...

Shirou(Mind): No way.... is that servant who I think it is?

Shirou: What's the hair color?

Asia: His hair is green... and he looks like a trap...

All: Seriously?

Asia: I mean he looks like a girl....

Shirou(Mind): Whew! And here I thought we are about to fight that golden bastard again- WAIT!

Shirou: You said that he has the drill like sword right?

Asia: yeah?

Shirou: It's like the fifth holy grail war....

Rin: yeah though from the initial description I thought he are about to fight my father's servant again but yeah... good thing...

Asia: But unlike Gilgamesh, he actually fights close range and long-range...

Rin: What???

Shirou: Now this is a nightmare....

Rina in Asia and the others are discussing the strategy to defeat Miyasato and get the grail and then make the wish... Asia is worried about what will happen next in the final battle...

Asia(mind); I will hold nothing back... I will survive this... and become one of the clock tower members...

Asia is determined and she is walking around the town and exploring Fuyuki and she loved the view of the night...

Asia(Mind): I want to get some things out of my mind but I cannot.... it's like I always feel like someone is about to attack me.... am I getting paranoid?

Asia: I might be paranoid sometimes...

???: It's not bad to be paranoid you know?

Asia: WHOS THERE????

Then Miyasato shows himself and then Asia then summons his base Rhongomyniad and then assumed a stance..

Miyasato: I am not here to fight.... but I have something to tell you...

Asia; what is. it???

Miyasato: This world is almost the same as mine... after you defeat me can you do me a favor?

Asia: Why should I?

Miyasato: Despite that, the timeline here is just a small different than mine and also I know about the supernatural here...

Asia: What???

Miyasato: I am also from the same town but not in this world... and this world is just about to start its own plot...

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