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Asia: Awww...

Mavis: Be patient, Asia.... 

Asia: I really need to move my body like I need to..

Mavis: me too..

Rias(Caster): I mean we also need some exercise...

Miyasato(Lancer): Pfft Bruh it was like a moment ago!

Rias(caster): Silence!

Miyasato(caster): *sigh*

Rias(Caster): Huh? Berserker?

Asia: Lets go!

Mavis: HAI! MIYA! Restrain it!

Miyasato(lancer): Yep!


Miyasato then Summons some Chains and then Berserker parries the chains and then Mavis then goes for the strike and then the two servants were stopped and theya re alittle shocked at the quick actions they did...

Archer?: What the-

Rider?: Someone has already Got ahold of the Berserker... tch this is bad...

Mavis: Asia, Go to Sisigo, He might need help...

Asia: YOSH!


Rider?: Nani?

Archer?: She could teleport..


Mordred: Well! Ahh! This feels great!!! Thank you! Master!

Sisigo: It is a necessary expense...

Mordred: And we have come this far into the heart of the enemy! Nobody will attack us..

???: Unless if its someone like me!

Mordred: WHA-

Asia: AHAHAHAHAH! Chill! Its just me!

Sisigo: Jesus, Kid... you scared the shit out of me...

Asia: Yep! Just a hadit!

Sisigo: Whats with the blood on your face?

Asia: Oh! This? Well I went Frenzy while coming here...

Mordred(Mind): Master... This girl scares me..

Sisigo(Mind): Dont worry she is a good person accept if she became your enemy..

Sisigo: This town is controlled by the Yggdmillenia family.

Mordred: This means?

Asia then sees many enemies in sight as then Rias appeared behind her and then gave Asia some buff of desrtuction and Asia is covered with red Aura and Mordred is smirking wide..

Mordred: NARUHODO! NARUHODO! You didnt just use me as a decoy but also yourself huh?

Asia: Seriously..

Rias: That was stupid..

Asia: Pretty much insane tactic but effective... unless..

Asia(Mind): Trace... ON!!!


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