Chapter 4: Holy grail war commence

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Rin: right now i will discuss to you about masters and about magus.

Asia: Hai!!!

Rin then lectures to Asia about being a Magus or a Mage in other words and each mages have their own specialities and some even reached their title as a family of Magus and they will be kmown as the family of this and that...

Rin: You get the lecture?

Asia: Since only a Magus can only be the one who can be a Master for the holy grail war... But as for masters... How can we know that they are the enemies?

Arthur: allow me to explain that one in summary... A master has marks on any part of their body but the most common is their backs and any arm where they can do the stance... The marks are called Command spells... These spells are very potent for a servant and they can guarantee a servant 100 percent to gollow tge order and even force them to obey a command...

Asia: hm?

Asia then looks at her right hand and then she saw her command spells

Asia then looks at her right hand and then she saw her command spells

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Arthur: Usually Masters have only three command spells so Master... Please use them appropriately...

Asia: Hai!

Rin: That pretty much end our discussion... Asia you can have your break...

Asia later went outside to have fresh air and tgen she met Mavis outside and then she went to him...

Asia: MAVIS!!!!

Mavis: Ah Asia???

Asia: Hello there!!!

Mavis is nervous... He never talked to any girl in his life since he was an introvert Magus specializing in magic arrows and magic creation but it is not similar to Tracing like Shirou's trace oj but rather his own magic aura...

Asia: I see you are practicing you magic!!!

Mavis: Y-you think so?

Asia: Yes!!!!

Mavis alarm then sounded and then it signals his class is about to start and then...

Mavis: Asia, we can talk again! Bye!

???: That guy is so hardworking despite his lazy persona...

Asia: Shirou?

Shirou: He is a huge fan of my projection magic and then he has a almost same tyoe of magic as i have... So asia ready for your training?

Asia: More like ready to make my brain suffer anither day...

Shirou then nervously laughes while scratching his head and then they start their training in enhance ment in her weapons...

Asia uses a Katana as her weapon and then she trains with Shirou to enhance the weapon with enhancement magic with elements with durability which is one of the simple magics to master.

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