Chapter 1

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A loud boarding speaker announces as I take off my headphones and stuffed my book into the bag's front pocket and the headphones. While sprinting to the other side of the airport, I run into someone wearing white shirt and drinking coffee until it slips on them.

"Watch where you are going! You motherfuc...," he shouts as looking down at his now coffee-stained white shirt but doesn't finish his sentence from glaring at my eyes. I cover my mouth in embarrassment, "Sir, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you." I  politely explains, trying to find a napkin or something in my purse.

He laughs a little when failing to get the stain out, "You are okay. I apologize for shouting earlier at you, um... " he says. I puts my suitcase down on the shining floor and holds out my hand, "I'm Rachel, and it's okay, but I have to get going." He nods and shakes my hand gently but firmly, then continues walking.

"Okay, he's rude! I hope I don't ever see him again," I whisper as looking at him, walks away, and throws out his empty coffee cup.

A few moments later, when being on the plane and trying to find my seat, I put my printed floral lounge into the shelf above the seat but has some struggle doing it, so from only being five-one in height-wise. Suddenly feels a tap on me, look around and notices the rude guy from earlier on the same plane but in a gray shirt since his shirt got ruined. I roll my eyes to the bask of my head in annoyance, "You gotta be kidding me! What are you doing here?" the stranger doesn't hear as listening to music through his phone and pulls out of the headphones, "What did you say?" he asks without glaring up at me

But that only annoys me even more to the core; I rolls her eyes again and smacks on the chair next to hard to get his attention. The stranger jumps, moves his body to the side, "Do you have a problem or something? He barks out.

Then he sees me who spilled his coffee on him, and she stays silent despite thinking that this is going to be the worst flight ever in her life. I take a deep breath, "Listen, this will be a long flight for us, so can we just start over?" he nods with a small smile as he holds out a strong hand, "I'm Ezra. Nice to meet you, Rachel. Right?"

"Yes, I apologize for spilling your coffee on you and for being rude. I was distracted by reading my book when they were calling our flight," I explain as sitting down and getting a book out of my bag.

The Great Gatsby.


Ezra turns his head towards me, points at the book, which is his favorite one, "I love that book. Do you like the movie or the book version better?" he questions as he messes his blond locks of hair up. I watched him doing the action of him touching those blond locks, "There's a movie shoulder, "Yeah?"

"Since you said you have never seen the movie, I brought it, so maybe we can watch it by  together?" Ezra wonders as looks deep into my eyes and smiles as I  nodded yes. At the moment, there's a cool breeze coming out the air vent above me that makes me shive away when drooping my book aside. "Sure, but let me get a sweater first," I uttered out just when he takes off a maroon sweater that smells like his signature cologne, the mix of wood and citrus; Ezra hands it to me then she lightly gets a smell of it, she stars sneezing to make both of them laugh.

"Excuse..." I continue sneezing before saying excuse us as being polite or even putting the clothing on.

Bless you.

"Thank you for the sweater. Why did you give this? You look like you're freezing within the window." I thank him, putting on the oversized sweater, that the sleeves are a little long on my short arms compared to his long ones; then, seeing from the corner of my eyes, he's shivering also from the small installed fan... that's above him.

Ezra brushes his hand up as a signal to say he's okay, "Nah, I can ask for a blanket once one of the attendants comes over. He answers her and is ready to click on the great gatsby movie to watch it. But at the moment, he catches on the food carts coming by, he rolls his eyes, and signs.

I see frustration in his facial expression and ignores it but can't ignore the rumbling sound coming from my empty stomach. It rumbles again to make Ezra hear it.

"Have you eaten anything today?  Your stomach sounds like it's growing a monster inside," he makes fun of me and chuckles when he puts both hands over my stomach. I stick out my tongue at him innocently; he grins slightly. However, he shifts his body from side to side to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling he has at the moment.

Ezra carefully looks down at the front of his jeans, "Fuck!" he silently says to himself but loud enough for Rachel to hear it.

"Is there something nothing?" I wonder.

There was no way he would tell me that me doing something so innocently made him turn on a little, so he lied, "No. Just hungry," I believed him and says okay.

"By the way, sorry for the noise." I laughed before continuing talking, "I was in a hurry for this plane, so I didn't have a chance to eat breakfast," I confused about why she's not eaten, and it makes Ezra give me a concerned look with his emerald green eyes left with worry.

"Well..." Ezra leans towards me so close that his shoulder touches mine and makes my skin feel like it's going through electricity. He begins to speak again until seeing a lady attendant handing out sandwiches that look like they come out from a vending machine with drinks and blankets underneath, "You should really eat anything... even if it tastes like plastic wrap, which probably will," he comments on the food.

I make a face while nodding.

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