Chapter 15

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When Rachel and I get to the library, partially his favorite one out of all the libraries in town, he grabs his book bag along with her, "Why are we here?" she asks in a concerned way, and tries to catch him since he's already walking away so fast.

Ezra opens one of the doors and walks in, "Raya, you worry too much, so trust me." he says, winking his green eye at me and taking my hand into his. We go up to the young security guard sitting by the camera's monitors, looking through his phone with probably his lunch of burritos. Ezra slams his hand hard and, the guy jumps in fright, "What the fuck dude?" he yells out, puts down his half-eaten burrito when Ezra laughs, "Hey." he answers, goes behind the desk and, whispers something in his ear.

The guard glances at Rachel, "Hi. I'm Alex... Alex Wood, are you guys together?" he introduces us when waving a finger between us but it's just silent. Ezra looks at him with veins popping out of his neck; I glare at him, quickly touch my arm, "Um... we are," he doesn't complete his sentence from not wanting to repeat the wrong thing in front of me. I smile at Alex, "I'm Rachel but you can call me Raya," I introduced myself until Ezra gives a dirty glare at me, and I look at both of them, "I'm a friend of his," I say as politely holds out a hand, and, we shake hands.

"God damn it, would you just give it to me or not?" I angrily ask as Alex grabs his keys and hands him the library key.

"Thanks, douchebag."

I see Alex rolling his eyes in annoyance and gets back to his job of being a watchdog.

As we reach the elevator, there's a 'Do Not Cross' tap on it and Ezra is about to take it off but I gasp in shock, "Wait! We can't cross here. It's not allowed, so it's probably broken," I hold back his arm from crossing it. Ezra smiles, aggressively tears off the tape without a care and throws it on the ground, "It's here so other people don't cross here." he says, pressing the up button and waiting until it opens, "But I thought it was." I ask before he puts his hand over my mouth to be quiet; the elevator starts opening, we walk iin.

"What button?" I ask.

"31st floor," he says.

A while later, Ezra reaches behind his back pocket and pulls out a blue bandana, "Close your eyes," he demands, putting it over my eyes before letting out a word. Ezra shakes his head and moves back and forth. I tried to feel what was on my face, "Why do I have this on me? You're not going to kill me, right?" I sarcastically say, as trying to reach for the tied knot. He starts laughing, especially from me trying to untie the knot. Still, He can't due to him knowing me well enough, "No. I'm not going to kill you. If wouldn't, I won't do it when douchebag Alex is downstairs reading the newspaper like a sad, old man, scarfing down that burrito," he added. I laughed if it was music to his ears, "How do you know,him.. I mean Alex? He doesn't seem like a douche."

"He's sort of my almost stepbrother. With that, the bandana is for your surprise." he tells me; Ezra grabs our bags, tosses them over his broad shoulders and guides me out of the elevator, "Where are we? What do you mean he's sort of your brother?"I question when we stop walking.

"You ask too many questions."

"You don't answer many of them." I mock his response.

He agrees, walks away from her for a moment; when he strolls over to the staff break room kitchen, which looks like a small kitchen in an apartment, as going to the oven to get the giant pizza that he paid Alex twenty-five buck along with sodas and a humongous chocolate sundae in the freezer. Ezra comes back to the library and I smell pizza from across the room, and hear soda cans being opened along with plastic silverware being put down.

Ezra comes back, wondering if he forgot anything until hearing me singing my lungs out across the room and swinging my legs around while listening to music.

forgot anything, then looks at Rachel across the room, whose lying on the ground swinging her short legs up in the air when listening to music on her phone. He was smiling as shaking his head, "LOST AND INSECURE, YOU FOUND ME, YOU FOUND ME LYING ON THE FLOOR, SURROUNDED,SURROUNDED..." I scream out.

Minutes later, I open my eyes and notice that Ezra is checking if everything is perfect and I contine sounding like I'm strangling a cat and have a gut feeling that he's laughing, "Hey Rachel,". I don't hear him screaming my name until feel his hands on my ankles and start spinning me around in circles and I turn off my music and laugh, "E-Ezra," I I try to hide my laugh but can't stop; he sees me smiling until he stops spinning me around, "Okay. Let's get up very slowly," he demands when helping me up. I stomp from spinning around at least four times, then fall, "Ugh! That was fun. Do it again, please?" she keeps laughing when asking.

A few moments later, they both stand up; Ezra walks behind me and finally unties the bandana knot, "Are you ready?".

"Yes!" I yell out and he tells me to open my eyes, and see the thousands of books to the couch surrounded by food and drinks. There's fake candles all over the place, "What's this for?" I smile. He gives me a bouquet of sunflowers, my favorite flower, "This is all for you. You said you wanted a quiet, simple day so what's simple enough than Movies and pizza," he sweetly says as taking my hand and we sit down on the couch.

I look at Ezra, watching him take off his leather jacket, examining every line, detail of ink on his tan arms though the white shirt when he reaches for his phone, I suddenly sees the marks on his back again, "Um not to be rude, but can you ask a question?" I question if I should ask what happened or not.

He nods okay. I sign, "I know you don't like people touching your back. But if you don't mind me asking what happened to it?" I ask in a tight way for being afraid he might yell or avoid the question as he has. Ezra looks at me, swallowing his bite of pizza; just as the steam of the slice hits his face, it brings him flashbacks of what happened.

"Can I trust you, Rachel?" he asks.

I sip my drink then swallow, I almost see the pain in his eyes and I can feel his pain in my chest, "Yes, you can trust you. Why ask?". Still having painful and emotional flashbacks, he shakes them off and plants his hand on my thigh.

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