Chapter 44

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When rolling over towards the alarm clock to shut it off and slowly open my sleepy eyes, I see Ezra in the bathroom shaving when only wearing boxers that hang low on him.

"Hi;" I say in a raspy voice, lifting myself off the bed since there's probably three blankets on me; he put on me since the ac wasn't working well last night. Luckily Ezra knows how to set a fire.

"Hello beautiful," he replies when sliding the shaver down his jawline; you can cut diamonds on the sharpness of that jaw. I walk behind him, grab my toothbrush along with my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth.


Moments later, once we are done having breakfast, I start getting ready before I'm late for my plane; I pick out a pair of black leggings and a sweatshirt to change in. It's Ezra's sweatshirt; I love wearing his clothes even though they are big on me due to his long arms and legs.

"Baby? We need to go," he yells out.

"Coming," I say, making sure I get everything set like suitcase and purse. I go to the living room and see Ezra in an all-black outfit when scrolling through his phone; I walk towards him, kiss his warm cheek, "I'm ready." He smiles, looks at me, "You look beautiful," he says. I'm going to miss his sweet but sometimes salty comments and, most definitely him; I wish I didn't have to leave, but this is an opportunity I have to take.

An hour later, we finally arrived at the airport people ran around the area like headless chickens. I begin walking towards my boarding door, but Ezra stops me, "Hey! Hey! What are you doing?" he asks with concern in his tone, "I have to leave, Ezra," I try to loosen his grip on my hand, I pull away when my other hand is holding my suitcase and walking away. He smiles as I look out but stop my tracks... again.

"Raya," he yells out as chasing me without catching a breath for a moment.

I turn around, "What?".

"I-I," he loses his words like if a cat got his tongue, then we hear my plane ready to board from the income calling out, "You need to get going," he says and about to let go, but I hold on to his jacket.

I sign, "Can I at least get a goodbye kiss?" I knowledge and he plants a sweet kiss on my lips, "Bye," I say.

"Bye and don't slip any coffee on anyone," he jokes about when I slip his coffee on him, "But look how us," I wave my hand in front of us, "turned out,."

He laughs and turns around to leave.


Finding my seat keeps bringing me back memories of when I met Ezra; he was so cruel and mysterious, nothing has changed, but he has changed for me. I pull out my phone to shut it off to see a call from an unknown number, and it's probably my mother. I doubt if I should answer or not, she will beg of me for money or how sorry she is, but I can give her two shits of what she wants. On the other hand, I have a good conscience, so pick it up.

"Hello?" I answer, but the little table is down so I can watch Netflix during the flight.

"Hello, is this Rachel Carson speaking," 

A flight attendant comes around, rolling a drink and food cooler with her to ask if people want something, "Excuse me Ms?".

"Yes it is, give me a second," I put my hand over the phone speaker, "Yes." The flight attendant hands me a bottle of sparkling water and a granola bar, "No phone on. Please turn it off," she kindly tells me and walks away. I roll my eyes and continue the phone call, "Hello are you still there?" I ask the person.

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