Chapter 11

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When walking outside to his black classic 1970 roadrunner, Ezra unlocks the car, cautiously opens the door like a proper gentleman, and then slams it. Within five minutes of silence, I sign as I look at the window and see many leaves falling off; he coughs, "Well, this is awkward," he confuses me.

"What's awkward? Us?"

"Um, Raya, you can ask me those questions; that is swirling around in the smart brain you have, and there better be good. No pressure," Ezra utters out while driving. He nods to admit that the silence is awkward since they haven't said anything about what happened in the room.

I'm caught off guard from being surprised he knew I have questions, "How did you know what I was thinking about? Are you a kind of a spy?" I joke around, and he chuckles.

Rachel places a finger against my lips, "Shh... don't tell anyone that one because you will blow my cover," they burst out laughing, "No but seriously, tell me your questions." I smile, "Really!" she says in an eager tone.

Seconds later, once she has the questions all ready, Of course, I sign as a sign of eager impatience, "Are you going to ask me or not?" She allegedly punches my arm with laughter. "Hey, just saying to be honest, but think of the first three questions that come off of that pretty head of yours. No thinking about it to worry about wounding my feelings, so no overthinking too much," I utter out.

"Okay, can you give me honest answers to my direct questions?" she asks him as she shifts her body towards me while offering me a look again. I look at Rachel, then back to the road. "Well, it depends critically on the questions for an honest opinion and answer, but sure." we smile together.

"Can I ask two questions in one?" she wonders if she can before asking. "Come on. You're forcing it!" he yells out, slamming my hand on the steering wheel; I looks at her to see her sadness when declaring something like that.

"Sorry, I was just wondering."

I sign that I feel at ease, like being angry; she's still waiting for his answer. "Yeah, you can propose two questions in one, Rachel. I regret attending to remain an asshole to you a minute ago." I humbly apologizes.

"It's okay."

"No, it's not okay because ..." I stop the car for a moment and unbuckles my seatbelt; Rachel twists her body to listen to what I say. " The reason why it's not okay is that it's not fucking fair to you; for me being such a jerk towards you," I acknowledges that he's sorry for being the way I am, and she smiles.

Moments later in the car, as I continue driving, there's a familiar sound to cancel the uncomfortable quiet; Rachel reaches over to the radio, turns it up, and, 'You Found Me' by The Fray. She begins mumbling the lyrics almost clearly that I can hear her, so I turn it down.

"Hey!!" she yells out and turns the music back up. We laugh as she starts singing aloud, and I join in even when I don't know the words "Lost, and for sure, you found me, you found me," I sing out.

Rachel giggles then feels my hand on her thigh; her skin gets tiny goosebumps, "I accept your apology, " she says and puts her hand on top of his, "Oh! Before I forget, my two first questions are how many tattoos do you have on your whole body and what are they exactly? I'm so curious since I saw some of them when you fall asleep on Abby's bed?" she asks and confuses that she was secretly watching me sleep.

"Were you watching me sleep?" I questioned. I stay silent and look out the window to avoid the question and the truth, but I laugh a little. I rub my thumb up and down, "Don't be shy, Raya. Tell me." he demands, and I say yes.

Seconds later; once I was confused that I did watch him, he flashes a smile, "That's cute actually. Anyway, I have been getting tattoos as long as I can remember, maybe like I started them when I was fifteen or something," he says as looking down at his muscled, toned arms filled really quickly. I nod when picking at the skin around her nails, and Ezra notices it to see it's a bad habit of hers.

"Cool. What are they?"

Before answering, he moves her hand away from hers to stop picking since they are already looking raw, "Hey! Stop that." he notifies me, our eyes pierced together that they both get lost. "Umm... " Ezra begins speaking but can't get words out of his mouth from getting lost in my hazel eyes, almost looking like a shade of green; "Umm, my tattoos are just random stuff like a cross on the right side of my chest, with the word 'Skylar' surround some random shit, and some other shit all over the chest to both of my wrists," he explains about the ink as taking a glance at his tattooed muscled arms.

My eyes scan all of his incredibly detailed and exciting tattoos, " I like your tattoos. I mean, I would not put them on my body, but they look... sexy on you," I cover my face in embarrassment and turns fiery red.

"Sexy, huh?"

I uncover my face on one side and slightly smile, "Yes. Anyway, why the spider web?" she asks as rolling the window down to cool off. Ezra shrugs his broad shoulders, "I don't know really, but I do have a stack of books." he replies to her questions, when stretching to the back of his neck and scratches it and I slowly examines him then, sees one long scar and two tiny scars that might be burn marks. There are maybe one or two healed ones, but the third one is still pink-looking underneath one of them.

"What's the matter?" Ezra desired her to tell him what was on her mind.

"Nothing. I pinkie promise," I responded, holding up my pinkie to him, and his pinkie finger locked in with me

He nods, subtly shifts his body from side to side on the leather seat when moving those blonde locks of his away from his green, vivid eyes; "The book tattoos that are on my back; they're The Great Gatsby, To Have and To Hold, Emma and, Lastly Where Angels Fear To Tread with writing saying, "I wasn't actually in love, but I felt..." he explains to them as I complete the sentence for him.

"A sort of tender curiosity." I sweetly, they look at each other so deeply in each others' eyes.

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