Chapter 63

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When driving to Holly's bar, I'm trying so hard not to think about all of the possibilities that can go wrong, especially when it comes to Olivia. I park the car, grab my phone, go to my trunk, and soon as I see the black bedsheets that still have Rachel's blood all over, it makes me wanna puke or put myself out of this misery that I caused long before I met her.

I grab them as soon a black car pulls up next to me, and I can immediately smell the amount of weed coming outside of the vehicle; one of the doors opens, and it's Abby and Olivia sharing a joint and looking like they got off at work at the strip club.

"Hi baby," Olivia comes up by me with her breath smelling that she just swallowed a whole joint as wrapping her arms around my neck. Still, I shake her off, "Get away from me, let's get this shit don't and over with," I demanded, closing the trunk, but Olivia stops me, "You forgot something?" she answers.

I shake my head in confusion, "What are you talking about?".

"We," she waves people behind her to come over here, "need evidence, you did say you had something to show us," she says with a devilish smile and laughs; I swallow my pride one last time before I do this. I throw the blood-stained sheets to her. She tilts her head and looking at them, something drops. Olivia picks it up waves it between her fingers, "Oh, what do we have here?" she questions, my eyes wide up in shock as seeing the used condom, I thought I threw it out, "Give me that," I yell, try to grab out of her hands, but she pulls it away and slides it in her back pocket, "I think I will keep just in case."


A while later, we sit in a booth with everyone stuffing faces with bacon burgers and loaded fries, and I don't get anything because I already feel sick and ready to puke my guilt and guts out in the restroom this second.

"Okay if you guys are just going to stuff your fucking faces, then I'm leaving," I knowledge, they look up with looking like chipmunks with a bunch of seconds in their mouths, Olivia grabs me by the arm and sits me back in the chair, "No, no, no, don't do that because," she leans closer to my ear, "your surprise is not here yet," she admits, smile against my ear, "I can keep you occupied from then," she tries to seduce me, but it doesn't work so I grab the bedsheets by my feet and leave them I go back the table, "Also you listen you piece of shits, don't fucking bring up the deal ever again," I yell out to make them jump.

Olivia looks over my shoulder, then back at me, who's ready to stab her face with a fork, and she smiles, "Deal? I don't know what deal?" she lies. I roll my eyes bang my fist against the table, "Don't lie to me bitch! You know what deal we made!".

"What deal is that?" someone asks behind me, someone with a sweet voice and smells like vanilla beyond the smell of cigarettes buds and whiskey. I turn around, and surprisingly Rachel is silent with narrow hazel eyes, and Sebastian, my former roommate, "What is she talking about?" she asks.

"Just play cool, Ezra," I repeatedly told myself, so I don't yell out something that would break her heart in a heartbeat, her heart that so pure and light that if you shine light above her, she would just shine brighter and brighter until you are blind. I have been like that, blinded by her under my truth of dark lies since I met her, "Oh nothing, what are you doing?" I wonder, shove my sweaty and shaky hands into my pockets and kick the blood-stained bedsheets under the booth by Olivia's boots.

Rachel tries to glance under the table, raises her brows up, "Sebastian come to the apartment—."

"Apartment?" Olivia spits out of her coke and happens to cough, "That's what happens when you suck too many dicks at once you slut," I bark out, and she sticks out her middle finger, "You live together, since when?" she says with wiping her mouth and the table.

I aggressively grab Rachel's hand without hesitation, "Baby, let's leave. I will get you some food," I shout and try to drag her out of here before I can, but she stops me, "But I wanna stay," she innocently says with a smile and takes my seat next to Olivia, both of them love to press my buttons until I expose like a bomb.

"Great, because Ezra has a great story for miss princess like you," she jokes with a devilish smile she has on while waving a waiter over here, "Yes?" a young guy asks behind me, "We need," she counts how many of us are like she's a five-year-old again, "five shots of your best whiskey and a apple juice box for this princess," she jokes and puts a hand on Rachel's shoulder. Still, she shakes it off and looks uncomfortable, "I'm not a princess and five, I will a whiskey too," she tells the waiter, and he leaves.

She needs a whiskey to drink away the pain that will be thrown her way or throw it at me, which I deserve every bit, "What's been going on since I have walked in?" she looks at everyone whose silent with a concerned face then stops at me as I dig my nails in my hands to draw blood, "Nothing, let's leave," I yell and take her hand, but she pulls me away, why so fucking stubborn?.

"Oh little princess, it's nothing but let us, I mean me tell you a story," she replies to her questions when looking at me, "So once upon a —."

"OLIVIA DON'T DO IT!" I yell, slamming my fist against the table to break a plate. She laughs, rolls her eyes, "Where was I, oh once upon a time."

Goodbye, my heart but hello to holding on to the guilt forever.

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