Chapter 34

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When I open my eyes, I see Ezra staring at me with his soft and pure eyes; those eyes piercing my heart with just one blink.

"Were you watching me sleeping?" I yawn, reach out for his cheek and rub it. He smiles as taking my hand and kisses it along with my forehead, the tip of my nose, and lips, "Good morning, beautiful so you sleep so beautifully," his voice thickness, and repeatedly kisses all over my face, I laugh when feeling his tongue spread across my face. I try to push him off of me, but his body is on top of me in a push-up position, "Good Morning. If I wake up so beautifully, you snore so beautifully," I remark as mocking his snoring.

He smiles, his smile is bright and white, "I don't snore that loud," he lies. Still, I continue mocking his snore until feeling a finger pushing force inside me, "You were saying?" he threats me as continuing the action, and I stay silent; he leans forward, goes to my ear, "That's what I thought," he seductively says, and bites my earlobe. My hand grabs hold of his hair and gently tugs it, and he smiles again; he stops the pressure until his fingers run against my inner finger, and I laugh. I like seeing this playful side of him, and I don't see it often, just the grumpy and moody side.

"Are you ticklish?" he questions and starts tickling me, I try to hold my laugh, but it's not working.

"Stop! Stop! Stop it!" I burst out laughing, he lays back down laughing then looks at me with my face looking like a ripe tomato from laughing too hard, "I'm not ticklish but I'm hungry," I tell him, standing up with the black blanket cover up my body, walk away but feel it slowly pulling it out.

I look behind me, Ezra smirks, "What's wrong? Something slipping?" he continues pulling on the sheet to show my bareback and almost my ass; I scowl at him, kick his hand away, but he just pulls me back in bed and filled my face with kisses, "You taste so sweet," he jokes.


I'm cooking some breakfast for us; Ezra is cooking eggs but different, scrambled with cheese and ham for me and over easy for him, "Raya?" he calls out.

"Yeah?" I answer as I pull blueberries and strawberries in the blender and milk; I can smell the food on the pore next to me, "I like this," he says as shoving a piece of blueberry in his mouth, "Like what?" I push the blend button to blend our smoothie. Ezra comes behind me, kisses my cheek, then dips his finger into the smoothie, "Hmm... that's good, how did you know how to make this, "I worked at a yogurt and smoothie shops throughout high school," I say as grabbing two glasses to pour the drink in.

After my mother got sent to jail, my dad was working day and night with no sleep; I got a job there to help him with bills, and there's how I met Wyatt. He was so different back then, sweet and nice, but it took a crash to have that person disappear forever.

As I try to collect my thoughts, I suddenly feel something cold on my face; I look at Ezra with a smile o his face, "Did you just put the drink on my face?"  I am shocked, and he nods.

"Oh it's on!"


I shrug my shoulders, grab a handful of berries and start throwing them; I laugh when seeing them hitting his chest, "Ouch!," he screams out; I rush to him to make sure he's okay.

Seconds later, he lifts the blender and pours it all over me; I'm left all speechless and sticky with the drink dipping down my hair, and he steps back and starts laughing until he can't breathe. I shake my head, notice that I still have my smoothie in my cup, so I pour it on the back of his head.

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