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Something about Sebastian and I running full pelt clearly caught Spencer's attention as he stopped mid-sentence with the driver and whipped his head around.

His expression held surprise, but I knew this man far too well. His eyes were sad, a troubled look cast across his face, anxiety etched into the faint lines on his forehead.

But I didn't care. 

All I could think about was the jet, with its powerful revving engines and open door with a staircase, clearly on stand-by for take-off. And I was nearly in touching distance.

Spencer's expression shifted suddenly into one of panic as he correctly interpreted my next move, "Adria--"

He didn't get to finish. Wielding my handbag like a weapon, I swung and instantly made contact with his forearm, which he'd cleverly raised in time to shield himself, evidently noting my expression.

I was like a woman possessed, surprised at my own rage, but raining down blow after satisfying blow upon this...this...traitor. This man who had betrayed my trust, this man who was willing to run away to a different continent without so much as a warning, and leave me the perpetual troubled wife unconscious and then anxious in a hospital in New York.

Spencer protested, crying out with each swing of my handbag, but it was like an out of body experience.

"You---stupid---stupid---stupid----man!" I screamed, each word punctuated with a blow, "How---could---you?!"

"Adriana, stop!" Sebastian's voice pulled me back from the abyss and into clarity, as he restrained me, "Stop!"

The anger almost instantaneously dissipated, as quickly and suddenly as it had come on in the first place. Spencer dropped his hands, clearly safe from my attack, and that sad look was back in his eyes, wide and bright blue. More than I could take.

I wailed, not in sorrow but in white hot rage, my sobs racking my chest as Sebastian took my weight into his arms, practically holding me upright. He tried to soothe me but it was no use. What was the point?

"Spence, mate, what are you doing?" Sebastian said, clutching me tighter still, "We've been worried sick. Adriana has been out of her mind. You look dreadful, we need to get you back to the hospital."

"I'm s-sorry..." Spencer stuttered, "Adriana, please...I---you..."

Sebastian sighed, "You aren't...running are you? Not now? Why would you do that? Why would you do that to Adriana? Is there something I don't know about?"

Spencer looked at us both wordlessly, his eyebrows drawing together.

I took ten deep breaths, regaining my composure. Then I pulled myself upright, shrugging off Seb's hold, "Sebastian," I managed to get out, "Please give me a moment with my husband."

Seb held his hands up, stepping back, "For the love of God, sort this out. You two are insane. I'm waiting in the car, it's bloody freezing out here."

He turned on one heel and walked around to the side of Spencer's vehicle, clambering into the backseat.

And so left me and Spencer. Wife versus husband, best friend versus best friend, staring each other down as if we were in some sort of shoot-out.

"Are you going to explain yourself, or do I have to fill in the gaps?" I said, surprised at the venom in my voice.

"Adriana, you---" he sighed, "You don't understand."

"Enlighten me then, Spencer." I replied, "Because from where I'm standing it looks like my husband is leaving me six weeks after we got married. Is that it?"

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