I'm not going anywhere (💙🧡👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼)

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*Anne woke up her body felt fine her eyes were red from all the sobbing she did when she was talking to Andrew she went downstairs and saw Andrew eating waffles with syrup on them on the table was a bowl of Trix cereal Anne and spinel...'s favorite cereal Anne felt tears trying to escape from her eyes as she sucked it up and ate the cereal she felt like it was attacking and hurting her stomach she wanted to throw up to destroy the bowl along with the cereal she wanted to cry and scream and smack herself for being stupid* I-i don't l-like the Cereal
:Ms cooper what Anne is it the cereal I'll get you another different brand of cereal or um*Anne ran into the living room trying hard not to cry and sob and let it out it hurts she promised spinel but she failed like she failed with Sasha and Marcy and Andrew what kind of hero is she Andrew let Anne rest on his lap*
:Andrew kitty cat it's okay spinel will come back Steven will bring her back you've got me
:Anne BUT WHAT IF I LOSE YOU TOO I LOST YOU THE FIRST TIME IM A HORRIBLE GIRLFRIEND AND SISTER AND HERO I can't protect people I love *cries* I just wanted to celebrate my birthday with my family and friends and you but did I do that no all I got was betrayals and backstabs and trauma *cries as Andrew strokes her hair and wiped her tears away from her cheeks*
:Andrew if that were true then how are we still together
:Anne *sniffles and wipes a tear from her cheek* because you love me and I love you
:Andrew feel better kitten
:Anne Mhm *snuggles as Andrew puts his arms around Anne and gives her a forehead kiss* *whispers* can we stay like this for a little bit
:Andrew sure Anna banana we can
:Anne thanks drewy *Anne and Andrew stay like this a bit longer as they blush in Thier sleep*

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