the lumity kiss but it's Annedrew

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*Andrew felt sympathetic for Anne because she and spinel just told him that Marcy got stabbed Sasha backstabbed and betrayed Anne a second time and a evil newt king tried to kill sprig and spinel as he walked to Anne's room and heard her sobbing he peeked her eyes were red and blotchy her hair was desheviled she had a blanket wrapped over her as her knees were in her head as she cried Andrew sucked the tears back on his eyes as he walked inside his best friend/girlfriend's room*
:Anne *sniffles* great job boonchuy your crying like the crybaby you are again no wonder everyone at school called you Anne the baby *sighs sadly* Marcy Sasha .....what am I going to do...if Andrew were in this room he would tell me to not give up and that he doesn't like seeing me cry and that he"ll always be by my side no matter what happens*Andrew tearfully smiles*
:Andrew yeah I would say all those things
:Anne Puppy dog
:Andrew kitten *hugs Anne tight as she softly sniffled as Andrew wipes Anne's tears away* I promise you this Anne when we stop that lizard and save Marcy we are going out you and me no Maggie no toxic friendships or distractions just you and me and it will be the best
:Anne *sobs* yeah *Andrew kisses Anne same with Anne as Andrew gently stroked the tear away from Anne's right cheek* oh wow we kissed and why in frog's name was I crying
:Andrew same *wipes his eyes* haha
:Anne *laughs*
:Spinel Now get marrie-
:Spinel No regrets >:)

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