we all do Stupid stuff (angsfluff)

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*it was a peaceful night in the Trauma buddies bedroom's everyone was asleep except for Wally he couldn't sleep he was too upset to even sleep or anything he didn't want to Make everyone worry about his stupid problems maybe home was right maybe he is a annoyance to the people around him*
:Wally home was Right...I should've just let it finish the Job and kill me then and there *tears roll down his felt cheeks as he wipes them away* No I shouldn't get upset I deserve To suffer I should just end my own life here in front of everyone to see *more tears roll down his felt cheeks as he starts to Cry* why is this s-so difficult!?!
:Spinel what's so difficult lil bud*she puts a hand on Wally's shoulder* listen wally sometimes good people like us do stupid stuff when we're scared or angry I tried to kill Steven and the crystal gems hunter trusted a psycho old guy and Siren joined a Insane circus act and you...were forced to hurt the people you cared about and trust me I know how awful that feels seeing the people who care about you Scared of you and afraid of your mere presence..*she tears up and sniffles*
:Wally i-im s-sorry Spinel i just im worried that I'll hurt you guys That I'll hurt everyone WHO CARES ABOUT ME I DON'T WANT TO HURT ANYONE *he starts crying harder as more tears flow down his Soft fuzzy cheek's* i-i *wally starts to hyperventilate* I-i don't wanna I-i don't wanna!?!
:Spinel Wally breathe In and out okay *spinel holds Wally's soft fuzzy hands* It's okay you won't hurt anyone!
:Wally *he breathes in and out as he sobs* I'm sorry...
:Spinel if you stop cryin' and junk I'll give ya' a Apple!
:Wally *he perks up* a A-apple Oh yes okay!
:Spinel that's my lil buddy! *she gives wally a Apple as he eats it with his eyes* that's still cool though nice eating technique!
:Wally thank you spinel Um don't tell hunter or siren about this o-okay
:Spinel sure Wall's I won't tell em' *she holds his felt hand* let's go back to sleep
:Wally okay...*he gets in his bed and yawns* I'm sleeping I'm sleeping I'm sleeping...
:Spinel *she smiles and yawns and goes to sleep* night wally....

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