Anne's birthday (fluff)

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:Andrew hey babe
:Anne yeah puppy dog
: Andrew come here
:Anne yeah 
:Andrew close your eyes
:Anne okay *closes eyes* can I look now
: Andrew yep Ta-da *it's a birthday party for her*
:Anne *emotional gasp* m-my birthday
:spinel yeah duh-doy why wouldn't I celebrate my big sister's I mean our big sister's birthday
:Polly/sprig yeah!
:Anne oh wow this is AMAZING THANKS EVERYONE *Anne blows out the candles of her birthday cake as we all celebrated* thanks puppy dog *kisses Andrew as Andrew Blushed*
:Andrew no problem kitten I'm just glad you finally got to have your birthday even after-....Anne *we all watched as Anne tilted her head* IM SORRY FOR SAYING THAT WE WEREN'T GOING TO BE FRIENDS ANYMORE *tears roll down Andrew's cheeks as his voice broke along with his heart the words he said to make his kitty cat cry* I WAS JUST ANGRY YOU EXCLUDED ME AND SPENT SO MUCH TIME WITH SASHA AND MARCY AND IF I WASN'T SO SHY WE COULDVE DATED IM THE WORST BOYFRIEND IN HISTORY IM SORRY...*nothing but silence until Anne spoke tears in her eyes as she put both of her hands on her sad boyfriend's cheeks and wiped the tears away*
:Anne Andrew it's okay Im sorry for not  noticing you had a crush on me I was just worried about doing what Sasha and Marcy wanted the two of us to do that I ignored you but being teleported to a frog/gem world made me realize something I should'nt need a boy to fight my battles and that I can protect myself But I want you to stay by my side even if I deal with tough times I got you by my side *tears rolled down her cheeks a lump swallowed in her throat* Andrew I will always be your girlfriend no matter what this life throws at us I want to be with you *Sobs* if you'll let me *Andrew embraces Anne tears well up in his eyes as Anne hugs back*
:Andrew thank you kitten I promise I'll never leave you ever again that's a promise *Anne and Andrew kiss as we all cheered spinel was cheering and sobbing a mixture of both as the party ended*
:Anne *holding Andrew's hand as they looked at the dark starry sky* pretty
:Andrew not as pretty as you kitty
:Anne awww baby thanks *kisses Andrew's cheek as they look at the pretty wildlife*

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