don't I already know...(hunter angst)

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Hunter's Pov:*I looked around I was being controlled by the person who used me for his own gain I Heard flapjack chirping but why* Hey Flapjack get away don't NO DON'T PLEASE DON'T DO IT *hunter saw as his possessed hands stabbed flapjack as his eyes filled with tears as he began crying and trying to regain control of his body* NO!?! No! FLAPJACK!?! *end of nightmare* *hunter woke up in a cold sweat tears rolling down his cheeks as he Looked at his hands and saw his reflection in a nearby mirror it was belos than Caleb then Flapjack then himself as he cried into his knees* Flapjack I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry
:Willow hunter *hugs Hunter as hunter clings to willow and cries* shh it's okay Belos is going to pay for what he did I promise try the breathing thing *willow and hunter breath in 1 2 3 and our 4 5 6 as hunter wipes his tears away with his arm and sniffles as willow hands him a tissue as hunter blows his nose* feel better
:Hunter I guess....I still feel bad though....
:Willow it'll be okay hunter we're here for you...
:Hunter *tears up and sobs softly and nods his head as him and willow both fall asleep* (Huntlow/Winter for the win!)

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