I love you so (angsfluff) GT

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(TW⚠️Sewerslide unaliving yourself get touched in places you shouldn't be touched (if you don't like that don't read this)
*Hunter came back home from school he was so upset and he was done*  well no one except dad is gonna miss me anyway welp time to do it *grabs a piece of paper and writes a Goodbye note and slips it under darius's door as he goes to his room and tries to h*ng himself until Darius knocked on the door*
:Darius sunshine you okay I'm coming in *he opened the door and saw the n*sse and a frighten hunter as he destroyed the n*sse and held hunter in his hold* HUNTER WHAT were you doing why are you trying to k*ll yourself did something happen at school to make you do that why did you do that honey
:Hunter d-dad i-im sorry *hunter started crying as Darius cradled him and kissed his forehead* I'm sorry
:Darius just tell me what happened okay
:Hunter okay*explains everything* that's why
:Darius you know I'd miss you if you did that
:Hunter I know
:Darius come on little prince let's go out to eat would that cheer you up
:Hunter yeah it would*Darius holds hunter's hand* come on let's go
:Darius okay okay slow down
:Hunter thanks dad I appreciate it
:Darius I'll always be there for you no matter what happens I love you little prince
:Hunter *tears up* I love you too dad I love you too

my Gacha club thingies I made because I can't draw Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu