Amphibverse trailer

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:Anne I got the box now can we go
:Sasha sure sure let's go see I told you we don't need Andrew here
:Marcy plus he's fine with us hanging out together without him
:Anne *clutches the calamity box in anger* Let's go *the girls sit down as Anne slowly opens the box as glowing blue pink and green and yellow lights surround the girls*
:Marcy it's working!*disappears in a flash of Green*
:Sasha the heck!?!*disappears in a flash of pink*
:Anne No-no wait! noooo!*disappears in a flash of blue*
(Stormphibia productions presents)
:Anne where am I!
:Sprig The beast!?!
:Anne AHHH A FROG wait how can you even speak?
:Sprig years of reading and practice my names sprig please don't eat me
:Anne I'm not eating a frog let's go before it gets back!
:Sprig what?*hears a roar as Anne cuts the rope as the two run* a mantis that's what you were running from
:Anne yeah anyways my name is Anne Anne Boonchuy
:Sprig nice to meet you Anne I'm sprig plantar put it there *the two shake hands as Anne's hand was covered in slime* whoops sorry
:Anne *screams*
:Anne I never had a nice friend before expect Andrew
:Sprig well you have me now!
:Anne thanks sprig I hope I can find Sasha and marcy
:Sprig I'm sure you will Anne
:Anne thanks again for letting me stay with you're family
:Sprig watch out for Polly just a warning
:Anne ooh boy
:Polly HIIIYAAAH *Anne grabs Polly* LET ME GO
:Anne I'm not going to eat you guys!
:Polly disappointing
:Anne bruh
(Skips to Anne with spinel and the plantars)
:Spinel is that a blonde girl right ova' there
:Sasha Anne!
:Anne *tears well up in Anne's eyes* SASHA!!!?!*the two hug as Anne cries* how are you here
:Sasha don't worry we'll explain that once we're at the tower
:Anne we?
:Sasha me and some friends of mine
:Hop pop the toad army!
:Grime nice to meet the one they call Anne Boonchuy
:Anne *gulps* Sasha you need to stop *Swords clash together as it fades to Anne sprig and spinel sitting on the rooftop of the plantar farmhouse and watching the sunset together as Anne's theme plays in acoustic version* this is all crazy and scary but with sprig and spinel and everyone else it all feels a bit more normal than before *hums Anne's theme as her hair glows in a dim blue light as it fades to black*

my Gacha club thingies I made because I can't draw Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora