the cope hole (cartoons you guys can watch)

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heyyy guys storm here since amphibia is over I have some cartoons you guys can watch either on Netflix or some other streaming services
:1 Hilda (on Netflix) you guys can watch Hilda it's about a blue haired girl who moves to the city and goes on adventures with her deerfox pet and her new friends and her mom
:2 tchs it's a great cartoon even i watched and rewatched it twice I don't hate it I like it and Netflix did it dirty tchs deserves a second season I will watch that second season during the summertime
:3 pokemon POKEMON BABY you totally will love pokemon it's so cool adorable creatures pokeballs a nice storyline and my fav pokemon PIKACHU He/she's so cute and adorable
:4 My little pony a new generation it's my fav movie
:5 owl house because Yesss even if it ends I will also accept the end of owl house just like I did with amphibia
:6 she-ra and the princesses of power it's has my fav things Lgbtq rep and MAGIC!!! AND COMEDY  and ACTION because yes >:)))
:7 glitch techs (I also watch that on Netflix didn't know it was on Nickelodeon lol) I like that show ALOT it's funny and has video games
:8 SpongeBob (oh wait everyone else watches SpongeBob) eh it's still worth watching
:9 Big city greens (my papa's fav Disney cartoon) it's about a country boy who moves from the country to the big city you guys will love it no story-drivien plots just wholesome comedy
:10 the loud house (my Fav nick show) It's about a big family loads of girls and one boy named Lincoln loud (my fav best boi) he gets into misadventures with his friend group and his sisters and him get into fights and have to learn from those so called fights they all have L's in Thier names leni Lori Lana Lisa LynnJr Luna Luan Lily Lola Lucy! Man so many kids but a whole lotta love in that house
AND THATS oh wait one more cartoon oh okay here it is! number 11 *drumroll plays in background*
:11 THE GHOST AND MOLLY MCGEE Whooooo yess yes YESSS my fav comfort show my fav friendship (Molly and scratch!) And my fav ship Molliby and my fav protag ball of rainbows and sunshine (Molly :3) you guys can def watch this to heal from the traumatic bittersweet finale that was the hardest thing I hope you guys watch these cartoons they will make you laugh cry or any other emotion I know that none of them will replace amphibia but hey your not alone I'm the same way but hey I'm still coping it will always be hard But if we stick together we can DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!! And these cartoons are going to be great give them a watch and I love each of you guys so much you guys are the best friends I could ever ask for and this is also to the people I follow on this app I also mean you guys too You guys are the best at writing these amazing fanfics I love em' sm :))) I hope you guys are doing okay and don't forget I'm here for you guys no matter what I love you guys :)

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