Operation: FROST, Chapter 3

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Okay, everybody! In here, chaos happens. By the way, I got a snow day! I love you, snow! X33

Chapter 3: A Jolly Man's Dreams

Close to Uno home

After Cheren's secret meeting, the boy was on his way back home, having to stuff hands in his pockets for warmth. Just when he was two houses away from his own, Aurora jumped out from behind some bushes and tackled him to the street. "Aurora- MMP!" She punched across his jaw.

"WHY'D YOU DO IT, Bro?!" she yelled, punching him more.

"What are you talking about?!" Aurora then threw him against some trashcans.

"You GAVE away the CODE Module!" Aurora pounced onto his back and punched the back of his head.


"Don't lie to me!" Another punch. "I was spying on you! You traded the Code Module with a DEMON in exchange for a MAP! What're you meeting MAJORA for, HUH?!"

"Aurora, that WASN'T the CODE MODULE!"

Aurora stopped punching. "Huh? Then what..."

Somewhere in the Underworld

The demon returned to his rundown apartment, looking both ways as he set his parcel on his bed. After making sure he was alone, he unwrapped the package, revealing it to be a round bottle with some kind of drug. The demon plucked the cap off and whiffed the drug directly over the hole. He then guzzled some of it down before putting the cap on. His pupils turned black and grew as his body became 3-D. The dungeon-escape music from Rayman Legends started to play as the demon started to dance to it. His arms and legs were the only body parts moving as he danced in place, and his night became a lot more exciting.

With Cheren and Aurora

"...Oh." Aurora stood and helped her brother up. "Sorry... about that."

"Siiiigh." Cheren brushed off.

"...But... what were you doing? What's with that map?"

Cheren decided to pull out the map and unfold it for Aurora to see. "The story is... Majora sort of disappeared after I defeated him. Five days after I got back, I had a dream telling me to meet a Bulblin in that alleyway on Christmas Eve, who would tell me where to meet Majora; and that little drug was meant to be my sign. I couldn't really pass it up, so... I took it. The only other person who knows is Larry; that's why I had him get me the drug."

"Phew... well, at least I know you're not a traitor. But... why didn't you tell us?"

"Well, you... kinda worry a lot. I didn't want you to over-react if you knew I was meeting with a demon."

"Heh heh, I think demons need to be worried about you. But... I'm sorry for attacking you."

"It's all right." Cheren smiled. "Why did you suspect me, anyway?"

"Well... it was Rumpel. He sorta came and... told me you were joining the Dark Side. It's what I get for believing him."

"Why would Rumpel trick you to attacking me? He doesn't usually do this stuff unless he has a motive. ...Well, scratch that."

"It does feel kinda strange, though. I mean, is it a Christmas tradition for him?"

"We'll ask him later. Let's just go home. In case Santa gets a little evil tonight."

"Ha ha ha!" With that, the two returned home.

Santa's Workshop

The jolly red man carefully lied Suki Crystal on the seat of his sleigh, the little girl still fast asleep. The elves had hauled the sack full of presents onto the sleigh as Santa took his seat and gripped the reindeers' reins. "You really think you can last out there, Santa?" Wintergreen asked.

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