Operation: RECLAIM, Chapter 4

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Well-p, guys, now Kirie will accompany Kuki to the factory, we all know how THAT'S gonna go. ...Whuh? You don't? Oh, well then I'll show you.

Chapter 4: A Trip That Goes Wrong

Beatles Household

It was 8:00 in the morning and everything was peaceful. While Wally was cooking breakfast in the kitchen (hey, someone has to be the chef around here), Kirie and Joey were in the living room. The older Beatles child was lonely playing with her Rainbow Monkey while Joey sat on the couch and watched Nickelodeon. A commercial was playing, in which Miranda Cosgrove was singing a song.

Eeeeverybody's DANCIN' DANCIN' crazy

And we neeever stop... we NEVER STOP!

"Ahhh, those were her golden years." Wallabee sighed as he walked out with two plates of bacon and eggs. "You know, before Jennette McCurdy overshadowed her."

"Good-bye, Wallace, I'm goin' to work." Kuki said quickly as she stepped down the stairs. "As always, don't expect me at dinner, because I-" Kirie dropped her monkey and quickly ran in her way. "Sigh, Kirie, you know I don't have time for any-"

Kirie hurriedly signed, Mom, Mom! Can I go with you to work today??


I wanna come with you to work!! she grinned vibrantly. I mean, you spend so much time there, I wanna see what it's like!

"Heh heh heh." A rare sight for Kirie, Kuki sported a half-humorous smile. "Sweetie, it's really not as glamorous as it seems, you'll get really-"

No I won't, I promise! Pllleeeease, Mom? She knelt down and grabbed her mom's legs, shaking frantically, Please please please please please please pleaaaaseeee!

"Aww, why don't you, Honey?" Wally asked smoothly as he set Joey's breakfast on the living room table. "After all, she's just as crazy as you were for Rainbow Monkeys, maybe she can get in the business!"

Kuki looked down at her daughter's pleading, mismatched eyes. If anything, this was just an excuse for her to hang out with her mother. ...But deep down, Kuki actually wanted this. Before her promotion, she's always loved playing with her daughter. She was so much fun, even if she was silent. ...It would be difficult, seeing as she had jobs to do, but maybe it wouldn't hurt. "Sigh... very well, Kirie."

Kirie's smile grew very wide, and she danced excitedly, YYYYES!! YES YES YES YEEES!!

"Alright, alright, keep it down, Kir."

Questions marks appeared over Wally and Joey's heads.

"Well, take care, you two." Kuki waved to the boys as Kirie already dashed out to the car. "It's a girl-free day today. See ya." She left and closed the door.

"Awww! I wanna go to the Monkey Factoryyy!" Joey whined.

"Don't say that, Joe, I need someone to share my hate in Rainbow Monkeys!" Wally yelled. He then realized he was still holding Kirie's breakfast. "Ooh! Well, if Kirie won't have breakfast, guess I..."

Kirie hurried back in the house, grabbed her plate, and ran back outside. Wally frowned grumpily and said to Joey, "I don't suppose you..." but when he turned around, he saw that Joey had already formed a huge wall of his letter blocks. Only his eyes peeped through the opening, but Joey filled that spot up. "Siiigh..."

Specter's Hideout

"Hoo-oo-oo-oo! Have they finished yet, Mr. Specter?" Mr. Mogul eagerly asked his new partner.

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