Operation: FAIL, Chapter 1

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Hello, everybody. This story will introduce a major side-character for the Seven Lights Saga, and we'll have development for Sector RZ. What, you don't know who those guys are? EXACTLY!!

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Kids Next Door mission...



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Chapter 1: Blue-Haired Maiden

Rozeland Elementary

Normally kids would say "I hate Mondays" at the start of a new week... but none ever thought they'd hate Wednesdays this much. 'Cause no one likes having their school commandeered by crazy people. "PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION OF ERADICATING YOUNGSTERS, GIVE these kids a day of school they'll never forget!" exclaimed the PTOOEY's leader, the Principal.

In the gym, a boy was tied to a punching bag as Mad Dad was mercilessly punching the snot out of him. "COME ON, YOU LAZY BRATS! Don't ya know how ta punch?!" He beat away without rest, the other students looking with worry and helplessness. They had no intention of punching their friend, but what could they do?

Meanwhile, Midwestern Mom was occupying the cafeteria, forcing tables of tied-up students to stuff their face in apple pies. "OHHHH YEAH. GRAMMA STUFFUM AIN'T THE ONLY COOK 'ROUND THESE PARTS. Y'all're gonna finish yer pies and be DERN grateful yer mom works this hard!!"

"But I feel siiiiiiick!" a girl moaned.

"DON'T TAKE THAT TONE WITH ME, YOUNG LADY," she smacked her with her purse, "now GET TA EATING!"

In the library, children were tied at tables with iPhones strapped to their eyes, pages of online books scrolling before them. "You kids don't like reading books the old-fashioned way? Fine! You'll read those eBooks until your eyes go blurry!" the Terrible Tutor threatened.

Above the school, Heli-Teacher flew around on her flying chair, keeping watch. "No sign of those KNBrats yet. Guess they're too busy fighting gods or something."

"Then we Parent Teacher Organization will finally have victory!" Principal declared, in the teacher's lounge with the school's real, tied-up teachers.

"I wonder though, Paul... is what we're doing even considered 'evil' anymore?" Heli-Teacher asked via communicator. "I've been doing my research, and a lot of villains these KNBrats face nowadays are really somethin'. It makes us Brotherhooders seem... washed up."

"Oh, quit worrying, Maya! Sure the KND got a lot of superpowers now, but we supervillains still have!-"

"H-Hey! What's going—GAAAAH!"

"Hnn?! Heli-Teacher! What happened?! Where are you-"

A crash was heard across the hall. They all raced to the cafeteria, seeing Heli-Teacher on the floor, having fallen through a hole on the ceiling. Standing above that hole was a shadowed figure alit with flames, and an evil smirk. "Is...Is that-"

The girl jumped down and revealed to be Diwata Uno, joined by the other 4 members of Sector RZ. "Parent Teacher Organization of Washed-up Villains, prepare to be defeated by Kids Next Door's Sector RZ!" exclaimed Numbuh 2.3, Leanne.

"...PHEW." The villains sighed with relief.

"For a second there, I thought it was Sector V!" Mad Dad smiled. "I don' wanna deal with that raccoon chick! You hear what she did to Cuppa Joe the other day? Just for dumping his coffee in the sea??"

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