Operation: RECLAIM, Chapter 5

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Hello, team, welcome to the last chapter of the Mogul's Return Arc! ...Well, actually, it's the SECOND-to-last, because of... well, you'll see it later.

Chapter 5: Operation: RECLAIM

Rainbow Monkey Factory

"Ohhhh..." The three inspectors woke up from their unconsciousness, readjusting their hats and sunglasses as they tried to recall what happened. "What happened?..." See, like that.

"Ho ho, my dear gentlemen! How awful that must've been for you." They turned around, seeing Mr. Mogul and Simon with their usual grins.

"Ooooo now who might YOU be?" the short inspector asked.

"Ahem: I am Mr. Sebastian Mogul." The former president spoke professionally. "After taking an overly-extended business trip to, um, Africa, it seems I let my factory fall into the wrong hands."

"Mr. Mogul, HMMMmmmm?" the medium inspector inquired. "I say, gents, this old fellow was the corporation's FIRST owner!"

"Hooooo, yes!" the short one remembered. "Wasn't he the one who tried to-" He whispered something that the others didn't quite hear.

"Hoo-o-o-o-o yes." Mogul replied. "Oh, but how painful it is to see what conditions my factory has fallen to. I do hope you gents are okay."

"Nnnn, what WAS it that happened to us?" the tall man asked.

"When Ms. Sanban attempted to demonstrate the machine's function, it blew a fuse, and you all were electrocuted. You endured some slight short-term memory loss, but it wasn't too serious. Ms. Sanban, however, being the activator, ho-ho! She was sent to the infirmary."

"Hmmmnnn... well, it's clear by now Ms. Sanban ISN'T the type to be running such a major industry..." the tall inspector decided. "If anything, the company was much nicer around its original roots. ...Perhaps if Mr. MOGUL were to return to his office-"

"I WILL!" the businessman frantically shook the inspector's hand. "You shan't be disappointed, Mr. Gruffelman! I can assure you, by tomorrow, this factory will look GOOD AS new! By which I mean good as old! Ho ho!"

Mr. Gruffelman pulled away. "Hmmm, yes... we'll postpone the inspection 'til tomorrow. I expect great things from you, Siiir..." And with that, the three inspectors showed their selves out.

The two businessmen waved 'bye', still grinning. "Well, that was most MAGNIFICENT, Sir! To think Ms. Sanban would be that easy to dispose of!"

"I know, Simon! And silence!" Bonk. "Soon, it will be time for Specter to move in! Ahh, but first we must test the machine's other functions. Hoo-hoo, and Specter has just the right Rainbow Monkey we could use!" He folded and rubbed his hands evilly.

Beatles Household

After her exciting ride from Bob the Builder, Kirie entered her house with her head still down in depression. "Hi, Sis!" her brother called perkily from the couch. "Are ya back, already? ?"

The older girl ignored him and walked slowly up the stairs. "...Sis?" Joey frowned.

Kirie slammed her door shut and plopped onto her bed. Her room was pitch-dark as she stared up at the ceiling. Even though it was still broad daylight... she wanted to sleep. But she couldn't.

She remembers when she was younger... she and her mother spent so much time together. Kuki was the one who learned sign language, and first began teaching it to Kirie when she was 3, so she could speak to people better. She was able to get a good grasp of it pretty quickly. At the time, Kuki thought her daughter was... smart.

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