Operation: RECLAIM, Chapter 3: Doomsday is Near

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Alright, guys... here we have a fairly long cutscene... of something very major.

Chapter 3: Doomsday is Near

Cleveland Beach; 7:00 p.m.

January 5... 7:00. That was the date... this was the time. And this is the place, too. Cheren studied his map closely, and this location was marked. He stood impatiently as he stared at the distant, setting sun, the waves washing calmly over the beach. He folded his arms and tapped his foot. He checked his watch. 7:02. Cheren released a light sigh. If it wasn't for the peaceful sounds of ocean waves, he would probably go crazy. When was this guy going to appear??

A whirling sound was heard behind him, as a dark portal rapidly opened and closed. Cheren whipped around, seeing the very person he was waiting for seated on a rock. "Sorry I'MM late." The familiar gray-skinned person, with thin orange horns, a black shirt with a purple heart symbol, and purple cape on his back. "It seems I was accounting for Termina times."

The Thief of Heart, Masked Demon

Cheren approached him calmly, his eyes furrowed. "Hm... well, better than half an hour from now."

"That'll MMake Link jealous."

"...I wanted to give you something, by the way."

"MMmmm?" he raised a brow.

Cheren stepped closer, still with a calm aura. In just a flash, Cheren's fist flew and PUNCHED the creature upside the jaw. Purple blood flew out as he fell off the rock, front-first in the sand. "I just wasn't satisfied." Cheren remarked.

Zanifr rubbed his jaw, still looking at Cheren with toneless, half-closed red eyes. "I anticipated as MMuch."

"Yeah-yeah, MM-boy. Now, come on. I came here for answers, I want 'em now."

Zanifr climbed onto the sharp boulder and sat gently. "MMy name is Zanifr MMimchi. I was born before your universe even had a timeline. I and MMy race of trolls lived on Alternia, the central planet of the First Dimension. Our world was destroyed, by the Apocalypse, and we were granted the task of creating a brand new world. But we were forbidden to enter that world... so the God of the Universe, Arceus, locked us away. I and MMy friends were ordered to create a world in our own image... but it seemed I had MMy own image. MMy personal fascination was with MMonsters and demons... I designed the ones that would one day rule the Underworld."

"So, you're the demons' true creator?" Cheren asked.

"Yes. But I wanted for demons to run the whole universe... not just the one world. I opposed MMy former acquaintances and tried to attain MMy goal. Unfortunately, they would not have it. And I was stopped by MMy MMoirail, Sanula. He had created a MMask for me earlier, one shaped from MMy very soul. In the end, it was used to imprison MMy soul. And through the will of the Zoni, he was able to bring MMe to your dimension."

"Who are the Zoni?"

"The Zoni are the gatekeepers between worlds. They decide who can come, and who can't. Whom they decide, is usually based on the Will of Sixes."

"Will of Sixes?"

"It is a strange will, regarding the Apocalypse. According to legend, those that have six letters in their name are plausible candidates for the creators of the New World. You have six letters in your first name. So does Nerehc. I, MMyself, have six letters in MMy first and surnames, so MMy inclusion was sealed. I believe this will is derived from the Six Guardians of Alternia. The ones who have ensured MMy stay in that MMask."

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