Operation: CLOWN, Part 4: Punk Hazard Explodes

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Welcome back, Punk Hazard fans, to this exciting rip-off!

Chapter 4: Punk Hazard Explodes

Punk Hazard; Burning Lands

"Wwwwaaaaab, wwaaaaab, wwaaaaab..." Whatever the sound belonged to, the glowing yellow eyes, and their source, were wobbling in a gooey fashion. Sector W7 only stared as the eyes drew closer. Once the creature was close enough into the light, Chimney's eyes widened. (Play "Mysterious Life Form" from Pikmin 3.)

"AAAAAAAHHH!" She and Gonbe were the first to bolt out of there. "GYAAAH RUN AWAY, GIRL-CHAAANS!"


The girls looked ahead and saw the creature was a giant, purplish-red blob made of some kind of toxic waste, its mouth wide open. "AAAAHH!" The girls hightailed away, sliding under the steel door's opening and hurrying down the long, flaming road to the side. They turned and looked back, watching as the toxic creature slithered out of the door, slowly squeezing its whole body through as it chased.

"GYAAAAH HERE IT COOOOMES!" Chimney screamed once more.

Stage 3: Punk Hazard, Act 3

The girls hurried across the straightforward road as the Big Boss Toxichu; which they've named it, wobbled their way. Some burning buildings toppled over and blocked their path, forcing them to run around. The Toxichu also spat Mini Toxichu in their way, but the operatives shot the small Chuchus with weapons before hurrying ahead. However, Aisa stepped in one of their toxic puddles and- "Aaaahh!" held her foot as it burned immensely from the acid. Apis had to run back and put Aisa's arm around her head as she helped her move along.

They were about to make it to the lake, but that was before two flaming buildings toppled over and blocked their path. "Gyaaaaah! This way!" Chimney ordered, hurrying down a rightward path as the girls followed. They had to jump up some stairs while the Toxichu spat mini blobs in their way again. The girls tried to bypass the blobs as they kept running, making it to a fiery chasm with a wobbly, rectangular platform on a post. The girls all jumped to the platform, causing their end to tilt downward. They all struggled to step up to the other side, but this caused it to tilt down the other way, and they were too far from the ledge. Apis and Aisa (who still had to hold onto the former) decided to walk back to the other side, making the floor horizontal so Chimney, Gonbe, and April could make it. Apis and Aisa were still on the other end, which faced down, but Aisa pulled out her Conache Pumpkin, tossed it to the other side, and forced it down, sending the two flying up like a catapult.

The girls kept running and reached another fiery chasm, where they had to jump a series of small, wobbly platforms. They hurriedly jumped across, while Blarggs were also popping up to chomp down on them, but the girls avoided them just before the platforms could sink. They reached a slightly wider platform as their way ahead was blocked by Mini Toxichu which were spat from the Big Boss. Aisa used her Weapon Dial to blast gumball bullets at the Toxichu to disable them, and the girls carefully jumped their remains to reach the next platform.

They hurried down another fiery road as the way ahead was scattered within a flaming maze. They ran all around the maze and ended up lost in their (or rather Chimney's) panic. Whenever they encountered a dead end, the Toxichu would spit Mini Toxichu in the way they came. Their panic only increased as the giant blob entered the maze and was closing in on them. They frantically tried to find paths that would lead away from it, but in doing so, they managed to find the way out of the maze. They dashed down a long, narrow path that made a snaky turn left, leading the girls to the lake.

"Oi, let's hurry up and swiiim!" Chimney shouted.

"But we CAN'T swim, Chimney!" Apis yelled.

"Aaaahhh!" The leader looked around frantically, wondering what to do. They looked in the water when some kind of gray fin was speeding toward them. Before their eyes, a vicious shark leapt out of the water, but the girls jumped back. "Fishman Karate!" Chimney exclaimed, performing a series of arm movements as a gush of water flew out and rammed the shark's side.

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