Operation: FAIL, Chapter 3: A Windy Night

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Sniff...Naruto's over. X,( May his legends live on forever. But I guess we won't be making the "he won't become Hokage" joke, anymore. :/ Well, there's still the "Luffy won't be Pirate King" joke! ... ... ... .

Chapter 3: A Windy Night

Sector RZ's neighborhood, nighttime

A dark and dreary night over Rozeland. The sky was black and cloudy, and a cold, howling wind rustled the trees. "Ahhhhhhhwwwwww! Come on, you stupid wind, move outta the way! I wanna see the moon!" cried Diwata, sitting on her roof. "Moon moon moon! Waaaaaaaahhhhhh!"

Lee sat on the front porch of his house with his head in his hand in boredom. His mother walked out and sat beside him. "Br-r-r-r-r-r it's chilly. You know, Lee, if you stay out here too long, you'll start sneezing like Michael McDonald."

Somewhere else

Michael McDonald was on the couch in his room when he felt a sneeze coming on. "...HAA...Haaa...aaa...haa-aaa...aa-aaa-AACHOO-ooooo!" he sneezed in a sing-song tone.

Back with them

"I don't care." Lee replied. "The cold never bothered me, anyway."


"DAVID!!" she screamed. "TURN THAT BOOMBOX OFF OR I'LL HIT YOU UPSIDE THE HEAD WITH IT! Sigh..." Sat back down. "So what's bothering you, Lee? Another mess-up?"

"Well, yes... but there's something else, too. Wendy just up and vanished and I don't know where."

"Wendy? You mean your imaginary friend?"

"She's NOT imaginary, she was real and I was trying to help her and NOW she's MISSING!!"

"Okay, okay! Well, why do you think she would leave?"

"...I guess...I guess it's 'cause she went all crazy with her power. But she chased out the Ice Cream Men, that's all that matters! I don't care if I got hurt in the process! It wasn't her fault... it's not HER fault she was born with powerful chi. Why should she hate herself because she isn't GOOD at something?!"

"It's not easy to feel strong over our mistakes. But it might mean something if she heard it from you. Maybe you just need to tell her..."

"..." Lee stood up, "All right. I'm going to find her then!"

"Right now? But it's 8p.m., and you don't even know where she went."

"It's still Wendy out, so she—I mean, WINDY out, so she has to still be close. I have to try, I'm gonna find her!" He rushed inside. In what felt like seconds, Lee was zipping out the door and toward the town on his skateboard. "DON'T WAIT UP FOR ME!"

"OKAAAAY!" Diwata waved happily. "BRING BACK A SOUVENIR, LEEEE!"

Oil Ice Mountain, Iceland

Box Ghost carried Dr. Light and Toiletnator this time, landing them at the base of the mountain as Lou led the way. He held a cup of the pee found in Alaska, sniffed it, and began sniffing around the mountain. "I'm picking up a source of urine that matches this one coming from this mountain. If we're lucky, it should lead us to the girl Bob is after!"

"I'm still a little stuck on the fact that... you can do this." Light said.

"The advantage of being a plumber." Box Ghost said.

"It's getting stronger! And if I'm right... the source should be right over... THAT hill!" He pointed just ahead. Lou eagerly hurried up and... "WAAAAAHHH—oof, eek, ooo, AHH, ow, GAH, D'OW!" went plummeting down a cliff and bouncing down the icy rocks before splashing headfirst in a small, yellow puddle. He glanced up, finding twins in green and yellow coats standing over him. Shortly after, Box Ghost carried Dr. Light down.

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