Operation: CLOWN, Part 1: Caesar's Escape

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WAIT, I just realized there was an "Operation: C.L.O.W.N." in the actual Kids Next Door series! Heh heh, oh well, ANYWAY, hey guys, welcome to another story, which ONCE again crosses over with One Piece. (Yeah, you know how Kid Icarus was the main crossover of Viridi Saga? Well, One Piece is the central crossover here.)

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Chapter 1: Caesar's Escape

G.U.N. H.Q., around 22 years ago

Nighttime at GUN H.Q.. It was just another ordinary day as Commander Gunkan marched down the halls of his base, his face serious and stern. He approached two soldiers, who saluted, standing on either side of a black-haired man, in sunglasses and a thick white coat. The man spoke in a calm, quiet tone. "Gunkan-san..."

"Evening, General Vergo." Gunkan nodded. "I assume you've brought the prisoner?"

"Yes... he is right there." His head directed to the doorway.

The doors slid open as a group of soldiers marched in, pulling an up-right stretcher with a man strapped to it. "Shurororororo." He was a white-skinned man in a blackish-purple jumpsuit, with yellow polka dots. He had short, thick black hair, purple lips, and psychotic yellow eyes. On his head were strange goat horns, and he wore dark-blue gloves with the letters "CC".

"Shurororororo." The man laughed wickedly, wearing a wide, crazy grin on his face as the men rolled him down the hall.

"The chi-blocking cuffs are on him, right?" Gunkan asked.

"Yes." Vergo assured as they walked along. "We can't have him running loose without them."

"Heeey, Vergo! How's the WIFE doing??" The prisoner asked excitedly. "Whoops! Sorry, wrong person! Shurororo!"

The group walked down several more halls as the man continued to speak. "Whoa, I really NEED to get me some new shoooes!" He looked at his dark-blue slip-on shoes and shook his feet. "A new suit, too! And maybe longer hair! I really am a slave to trends, shuroROROrororo!..."

"...and I said, Mark Hamill?? Well, what's wrong with my JAPANESE voice actor?! I mean, it's GREAT that I sound like a Joker, but-"

"-...and when did I AGREE to take part in some crummy writer's fanfic?" He rambled as they finally came to a stop in a small room. "I mean, if this is the crap that PAYS, I demand to see a script first, 'cause I-"

"QUIET, Clown!" Gunkan demanded with a hateful look. "Now tell me..." Rage burned in Gunkan's eyes as he held a darksaber to the man's neck, "How did you manage to produce 10,000 gallons of BANG Gas??"

"Ooooh it's all part of BUSINESS, Gunny! And a good magician never reveals secrets SHUROrororo!"

"TELL ME who you've been selling it to!!" Brett demanded.

"Mum's the word, Gunny HOOHOO! I wouldn't dare sell a customer's private information! There should be a penalty for blackmailing, don't you think?"

"QUIT kidding around, Clown! There's one last thing: is there a metahuman ANTIDOTE?"

"ANTIDOTE?! ShuroROROROrororo!" Gunkan gritted his teeth as Clown laughed. "Actually..." Clown looked at him with a smirk, "a certain SPIRIT may be what you're afterrrr... BUT: you didn't hear it from MEEEE!"

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