Operation: RECLAIM, Chapter 1

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Hey, guys, welcome to Number 3 of the Big Mom Saga. Starring, YOU guessed it, Numbuh 3! ...Or at least, the woman who WAS Numbuh 3, now she's ...Well, you know...

Chapter 1: Kuki's Busy Day

Beatles Household

"Jonathan, put a hold on the coffee, I won't be able to have it until 3. Jeremy, are those forms ready, yet? No, Donavan, we decided against that brand of strings, you know those never hold good." Kuki Beatles had one phone pressed to her shoulder and two more in her left hand, while her right hand pulled a briefcase, the businesswoman bypassing Joey Beatles, who was playing with blocks in the hall.

This was a daily thing in the life of Kuki Sanban-Beatles. She wasn't the happy, cheerful girl everyone remembered from 20 years ago. In her early 20s, she got a job working for the Rainbow Monkey Corporation, which had long since lost its original president. Her love and new ideas for Rainbow Monkeys had earned her the title of President itself. Since then, she wasn't the same. The happiness and freedom that once made her soul had been abandoned. The strict, humorless aura of a businesswoman overcame her. After all, someone of an important position and power doesn't have time for games when there's so much work to be done. ...She had a lot of her mother in her.

"And Jon, I hope you did something about that Noid." Kuki told her assistant sternly. "I dunno WHERE that thing came from, I dun' care, just get rid of it."

Her husband, Wally walked by her as she entered the living room, and said quickly, "Hope ya have a great day, Ho-"

"Yes, thanks, Wally, hold my dinner, I won't be home 'til 8." She walked by without giving him a chance to kiss her. "Yes, thanks, Jer, see you at-" Kuki stopped when her 10-year-old daughter, Kirie Beatles, ran and blocked her way to the door. "Siiiigh. I have to go, guys, something just came up." She hung up and asked in a dull tone, "What is it, Kirie?"

Kirie began to make signs with her sleeved hands, saying, Mom! Mom! Can we play with the new Rainbow Monkey I got for Christmas?? I've been waiting to play with you for like, ever! Well, actually it's been 11 days since Christmas, but who's counting!

"Kirie, Dear, I don't have time to play, we sold a lot of Rainbow Monkeys on Christmas, we need lots of time to restock, so play with Joey, 'kay? Later." And she walked out the front door without another word.

Kirie frowned in sadness as she trudged down, sitting on the floor beside her 5-year-old brother. "Let's make another fort, Sis!" The younger child said happily. Kirie began to drearily stack blocks together, still upset about her mother.

Downtown Cleveland

"NEW SHOOOES! Hello? NEW SHOES! Come on, fellas, this is a once in a lifetime deal. You don't get decent footwear this often! New shoooees for only $29.95! Sound good? NEW SHOES!" Things were not so successful for Mr. Sebastian Mogul and his assistant, Simon. Once the President of the Rainbow Monkey Corporation, he was stripped of his title during his 20-year period of being frozen in liquid nitrogen. And Rule #83 of the Corporation Handbook reads that a president can easily lose their title if they spend too long frozen in liquid nitrogen. Just like Walt Disney. Now the two former businessmen were reduced to selling shoes on the street. "Come on, Simon! You're not waving that sign enough."

"Uh, yessir." The assistant waved a wooden sign that read 'New Shoes' in thin, light-green marker.

"NEW SHOOOES!" As Mr. Mogul shouted again, a chubby man in a brown trenchcoat approached him.

"Where'd you get these shoes?" he asked suspiciously.

"Nnnn, that's none of your business, do you want these shoes or not?" Mogul glared.

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