Aisa, the Nimbi Who Could Fly

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Alright, everyone! Welcome to the new chapter of W7, starring Aisa!

Chapter 3: Aisa, the Nimbi Who Could Fly

Sector W7 Treehouse

Another peaceful morning over Water 7. It had been 3 days since Aeincha's injury, and the Lilliputian's legs were healed. Already, she was trudging down the hall in her pajamas, rubbing her tired eyes on her long journey to the kitchen, to begin her morning exercise. When she arrived at the living room, she caught notice of a familiar, white-capped barefoot girl sitting on the balcony, on her knees. Aeincha quietly approached her friend Aisa, who stared dreamily at the white, puffy clouds in the heavens.

Aeincha sat down beside her friend's left foot and spoke, "Hey, Aisa!"

Aisa flinched lightly and looked down behind her left. "Oh, hey, Aeincha. I never hear you there!" she smiled.

"That's why I'm tiny!" she grinned. The two friends exchanged in laughter. Aeincha then asked, "So, whatcha staring at?"

"Oh... just the clouds." Aisa said, staring back up at the sky.

"Oh... hm hm!"

"Aeincha... ever wondered what it looks like above the clouds?"

"Well, I wouldn't know. I'm not the one with wings!" she beamed.

Aisa looked at her with a frown.

"Oh..." Aein frowned, "That's right... you can't-"

"Yeah." Aisa looked away. "I don't really get it either. I was born here on Earth, but my parents told me we were Nimbi. But I was told that all Nimbi are born airbenders... so if I'm a Nimbi, how come I'm not an airbender? Why can't I fly? I've always wanted to see what it was like above the clouds..."

"Well, you don't need wings to fly, Aisa. The Kids Next Door has plenty of jetpacks."

"It doesn't work that way, Aeincha!" Aisa looked at her with furrowed eyes. "Ever wonder why airplanes or helicopters could never see Skypia? The only way to find Skypia is to use wings or take the natural entrances. And most of the time, you need airbending for that, anyway."

Aeincha stood up and gave a smile. "Well, let's try to make you fly! Come on, I'll help you!"

"Don't you think I tried?" Aisa asked, standing up.

"It doesn't hurt to try some more. Come on!" she ran off excitedly, and Aisa rolled her eyes.

"Aaaaannnnd GO!" Aisa began to dash hurriedly around the couch, not stopping for a second as she tried to gain speed. Her bare feet quickly became sore, but she needed as much momentum as possible. "Aaaannnnd FLY!"

Aisa turned, ran toward, and jumped off the couch, frantically flapping her arms in midair. "OOF!" In the end, she plopped to the floor on her front. Aeincha approached her giant face with a sheepish smile.

"Heheh, heheh. Ooookay. Maybe you don't need a running jump."

Later, they were in Aisa's room, and Aeincha sat on her nightstand, her head moving up-and-down as her Nimbi friend bounced and bounced on her bed. Since running speed wouldn't get wind under her wings, they decided to try jumping. Aisa seemed to get slightly higher, as Aeincha yelled, "Okay! NOW you can try it!"

With a few more jumps, Aisa took a mighty leap forward. "OOF!" She plopped down on the floor with a thud. Aeincha grinned sheepishly at Aisa's dizzy face.

They decided to try a more gentler approach as Aisa was bent over on all fours while a box-fan was blowing forcefully against her, forcing Aisa to squint. Aeincha could see her wings blowing slightly, and she suspected her friend would have liftoff. "Maybe just a BIT more..." With that, Aeincha turned the fan's setting from "High" to "Supah Crazy." The fan blasted wind with incredible force, and she was forcibly pushed backward, going out the window and plopping onto the balcony below.

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