Operation: RECLAIM, Chapter 2

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Okay guys, Winter Break is here... and now it's over. So let's waste time NOT writing this story and doing other projects.

Chapter 2: Controversial Invention

Outside Rainbow Monkey Factory

"Huuu! Take THAT! This, too! Oh ho ho! Are you ready to give up, Ms. Sanban??" Mr. Mogul had enacted his grand scheme of bringing Kuki down: chucking eggs against the left wall of her building, leaving it covered in the gooey, scrambled substance.

"Um, Sir, I-I don't think this method is the most efficient way of-"

"Silence, Simon! And keep throwing eggs! The gooey mess of her building will ultimately convince her to quit and give the job back to me!"

They kept chucking eggs as Kuki decided to look out her window, from her office near the top-most floor. (You can tell this factory is going to be the action stage, just like that.) She looked down at the jobless businessmen, her emotionless, serious face unchanging. "Siiigh... every day with this. SECURITY, we got two hobos throwing EGGS outside." She yelled, walking away.

The two threw more and more eggs until a group of security guards came. "All right, you two, drop the eggs, let's getcha outta here."

"EEE! Reinforcements! Run, Simon!" the two dropped the eggs and hightailed away as the guards chased. "Quick! We shall escape them, by making you look like a-" Suddenly, a trapdoor opened, and the two fell inside.


"Silence, Simon!"


Underground hideout

"Oof-oah-ow!" The two rolled and thudded at the slide's bottom. The two got to their knees, finding themselves in a pitch-black chamber. Lights flashed on, startling them into shutting their eyes.

"Apologies for my rude invitation. But I was dying to meet you." (Play Specter's Theme from Ape Escape.)

The two squinted their eyes open. The room was still dark, except for the group of spotlights shining on a figure in a floating chair, and a taller, shadowed figure beside him. "Friends... my name is Specter." The person in the chair said. "How convenient you two ran where I set up that trapdoor. Might I ask what you were doing at that lovely vicinity?"

"Ho ho ho! I should be asking you that." Mr. Mogul glared. "Who authorized you to set up secret hideouts underneath my factory?"

"Your factory? Hmmm... that is curious. You see, we moved into this sewer for the purpose of studying this place. I have a special fascination with monkeys, you see, and have always wondered, why humans find these colorful toys so enjoyable. I have been aiming to get into this business... but my ideas would not bode well to the factory's heads, I don't think. But during my research, we have deduced that that lovely lady with the hair-bun runs this factory... is this not so?"

"She does NOT run this factory! She froze me with a sooper freezer-doodle and stole this factory from meeee! It's bad enough that she ruined my plan to-" he whispered something, which Specter didn't quite catch from his distance, "-but why did they ever let a child work in this place ANYWAY?"

"Actually, the paper said she was in her 20s when she-"

"Silence, Simon!" Bonk.


"I see..." Specter's hands were folded. "Well then... I believe I have a proposition for you, Mr. Mogul. You see, I am also in the business, and am under the employ of someone of the highest power." The deviousness in Specter's red eye was the only thing that shone on his shadowed body. "And I assure you... my employer is a man that can make anything happen. It's in my best interest to serve him... but how can I... when my resources are so very limited." His eye squinted slightly, his smirk growing. "That is why... I need your help. More specifically, your factory. I wish to combine your resources with my own. With peoples' ever-expanding need for Rainbow Monkeys, your company has the capacity to dominate the world. Someone like Ms. Sanban would never allow it... but under your command, the business can become a true power, with my employer as your sponsor. And I will be willing to get your factory back... if you would permit me?"

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