Sector JP, Chapter 1: Soccer Star Karin

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Friends and acquaintances, welcome to the Big Mom Saga filler story, Sector JP! To cool down from the action of Fairy Sisters and Seven Lights, I decided to make this story dedicated to the crossover sector from Bleach (except one who is a One Piece character). Now, I say "filler", but like Operation: FAIL, I may end up adding some importance. Either way, it's mostly for character development with the Sector JP members. Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Soccer Star Karin

Sewer hideout in Hong Kong

The office was cold and filthy under the city sewers. No reasonable human would want to come, let alone attempt to live down here. That's why it was the perfect hideout for criminals.

A group of six Chinese men, half wearing black suits and half wearing white, entered the office of Panda Bubba, the chubby crime boss whose features matched that of a panda. His scowl narrowed. "Did you find it?"

The guards stepped aside as a fat ninja in a dark-red suit marched up. He bowed and presented a box to Panda Bubba. The crime boss took and opened the box. A yo-yo with a Yin symbol was inside.

"The Yin Yo-yo." Panda pulled the round device out and stared at it. "One of a pair which can enter the Yin-Yang World. Very good, Tubbimura." He smirked.

"It is my honor." The fat ninja spoke. "Master Hannibal will be most pleased."

"Yes, he will." Panda rolled the yo-yo up and down. "And once we locate the other one, we will be able to enter the Yin-Yang World and free the Chaos Kin like he said. You know... I was unsure of Hannibal Bean's leadership at first, compared to Lord Genious... but this plan of his is ingenious. If it succeeds, we may at long last have the upper hand over those Kids Next Door."

"Should we not be concerned for them, Boss?" a henchman asked. "According to Lord Bean's information, the Kids Next Door have been keeping close watch on the yo-yos, by order of two legendary spies, Yin Bean and Yang Bean."

"Yes, I know. Hannibal's grandchildren learned the secret of the yo-yos and ensured their safety. Which is why I suspect Sector JP their selves will attempt to sneak in here and take them back. That's why we have strengthened our security." Panda smirked. "We will secure the Yin Yo-yo before Lord Bean arrives to take it. All of our guards will ask each other passwords to check for spies, as well as secret handshakes, not to mention those finger and tongue scanners we had installed. More importantly, I will keep the yo-yo on me. It will be impossible for any spy to get it. No matter how great Sector JP's stealth talents are, they will fail miserably. I can only imagine-"

"Ooo! Uh! AH!" One of the guards' heads was hit twice by some invisible punch-like force, before he flipped on his back. "Oh, ow, AH!" The same happened to another guard.

"What? What are you doing?!" Panda yelled as Tubbimura drew his katana, ready to strike. "Get yourselves together!" The other henchmen scrambled to focus.

"Um, excuse me? May I say something?" a soft and squeaky voice asked.

"Who is there?!" Panda grabbed a gun and searched around panickingly.

"Who are you talking to?" Tubbimura asked.

"I just wanna say that, well, Sector JP isn't 'stealth-based' so to speak. We're field operatives. But, we're still a great team, heheh."

"Show yourself! NOW!" Panda thundered. "Huh?" He moved his eyes together when a tiny red bug landed on his nose. "Off me!" He furiously smacked it off—the bug grew into a skinny girl in a red jumpsuit with a "K" on the chest. She had small blush marks on her face.

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