Chimney, Dreamer of Trains

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Hello there, everyoooone! You've briefly been introduced to them in Viridi's Last Stand... but NOW it's time to officially meet Sector W7! They're some of my favorite children from One Piece, plus one OC! ;) This story is also the first of my new saga, called the Big Mom Saga! (So yeah, I just spoiled the plot. X))

Chapter 1: Chimney, Dreamer of Trains

Bathhouse Factory

Mechanical pumps were the only thing heard in these vast, hollow halls. The only beings that roamed the halls of this base were robotic ducks, armed with bathing supplies. Kids were tied within the center of this factory, trapped in bathtubs as mechanical arms forcibly bathed them. Mrs. Dirt watched this from her control station, a wicked smile on her face. "YOU kids should've thought TWICE before refusing to take your daily baths! You'll be scrubbed so clean you'll NEVER get dirty again!"

Hidden from her vision, behind one of the tubs' legs, a very small girl, only 3 inches tall, had her back pressed against the leg. She had grass-green hair, midway to her elbows, an orange shirt, aqua-blue vest, an orange patterned skirt with dark-green stripes, long orange socks, and blue Mary-Janes. "We'll see WHO thinks twice about something." she said, her black eyes glaring. She looked at her wristwatch communicator and spoke, "This is Numbuh 76.2, I'm close to the control room. Going in."

Spy of Sector W7, a Lilliputian


A shadowed girl, with a wide grin on her silhouette, spoke, "Oi, Aisa-chan. How many are there?"

"Gyom-gyoooom." Her bunny companion said.

A girl in a brown, raggedy dress, angel wings, a white hat, and bare feet, closed her eyes as visions of robotic ducks and bathing children appeared in her mind. "There's 30 Duckbots. ...Oh, make that 29. One of them died of a stroke. And there's 40 children."

Mantra Specialist of Sector W7, a Shandian Nimbi


"Can we take 'em?" another girl asked.

"Yah... we can!" The leader declared with a smirk. Immediately, the Duckbots jumped with a start when three garbage cans shot up, and the three girls wore them as separate pieces of armor. "Sector W7! THRASH 'EEEEMM!" Numbuh W473R, aka Chimney, the team's leader and pilot, exclaimed.

"Gyoooom!" Her rabbit, Gonbe, followed.

Chimney ran first, swiftly jumping around and bonking all the robo-ducks with her trashcan armor. Five ducks were charging at Aisa, but she held up a rope, tied around a big, dark-green pumpkin, and swung the iron-hard pumpkin around as it bashed all the Duckbots away.

Numbuh 777; Apis, the team's Animal Telepath, a girl in a mustard-yellow dress and pointed, white hat, closed her eyes and spoke to the rats within the walls. The rodents came pouring out, climbing up and entering the openings on the Duckbots to chew them out from the inside.

The three girls ran forward as Chimney spoke into her wristwatch, "Oi, April-chan! Are you in position? ?"

Somewhere else in the base, in another bathing room, Numbuh 7-Strokes stood in the room's doorway, looking at the trapped kids with an expressionless frown. "I'm here." She spoke with no emotion. "I can't free these kids with the water still running."

Artist of Sector W7, a German human


"Don't worry! We're going to shut it off!" Chimney assured.

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