Operation: FAIL, Chapter 4: A Raven's Call

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And here be the last chapter of this arc.

Chapter 4: A Raven's Call

KND Moonbase

The four members of Sector RZ were the only ones in the vacant cafeteria, save for the sweeping janitor, looks of boredom and depression on their faces. "Siiigh... kind of expected this." Leanne sighed. "You know, maybe Lee was telling the truth about this girl. He's never bothered thinking up an elaborate lie to cover his mistakes up 'til now."

"If she's real, then why hasn't Lee introduced us?" Lulu questioned.

"Because we're bad friends, duh." Denny stated.

"Maybe we are..." Leanne sorrowfully agreed. "If this girl was in trouble, we should've gone to help him. That's our job as operatives, anyway. But he left his wristwatch behind so, it's not like we can call him..."

"If he didn't come home last night, I wonder if he was camping?" Diwata smiled. "I would looooove to go campiiiiing under the stars and mooooon."

Leanne stood, "Let's go back home and look for him. If anything, we should let our parents know he's still missing. Sector RZ, let's move out!"

Moonbase Bridge

"GLEEEEEE!" Numbuh 2=1 expressed with fearless enthusiasm. "Can't everybody see?—I'M FULL OF GLEEEE!" He danced by the great glass wall. "Don't ya wanna know—I'M GLEEEE! And I HOPE you will be GLEE WITH ME, TOO! YEEEEAAAAH! YO, LEXI! Aren't ya still happeh?? Get over and DANCE WITH MEEEE!"

The boy called Lexi leaned against the glass, back turned to 2=1. "Sorry... but I just don't feel gleeful today."

Black Acropolis, Alaska

"K- K-K-K...KILL Harry Potter! K- K-K-K...KILL Harry Potter!" sang the Voldemort Clone, wearing sunglasses and a backwards cap as he scratched the records. "K- K-K-K...KILL Harry Potter! 8D ..." He smiled widely and whipped his fingers to his left, to his Palpatine Clone ally. ...He drooped in depression, for his ally wasn't really there. "I miss Palpy-Walpy."

"Hah ha ha. Ohhhh, I missed playing with these things." Bob smiled.

"I don't understand!" Wendy yelled, trying to break free of the cuffs strapping her to a metal platform on the wall. "Was that story a trick?! Am I a Horcrux or not?!"

"I don't know if you are or aren't, and I don't care! All I want is your superb airbending, and whoever that freak in the robe was cooperated swimmingly! With your powers, my Weatherator can spread to all ends of the globe, and freeze those Brats Next Door for 20 years, even MORE! They'll finally know what it's like to miss 20 years of history, missing all the newest games and shows while everyone ELSE knows EVERYTHING that happens! They'll be so out of the loop, IT'S LAUGHABLE! Ha 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a!"

"But won't everyone else be frozen, too?!"

"Of course not! Using its built-in Google Map, I can target multiple specific areas at a time, and let the endless snows bury them! So I'll target the treehouses' towns, and bury every single one! And as for the other people in those towns, well, at least they'll have each other." He shrugged casually.

"Those people didn't do ANYTHING to oppose you! Why would you include them in your revenge plan?"

"It isn't just about getting revenge, it's about showing the world the power I can control! It's about showing them how I can rule everyone... and that's just what he's looking for! !"

"What WHO'S looking for?!"

"Enough! This energy ray will drain the chi from your body as you produce it!" He indicated the huge laser device aimed at Wendy. "So the only matter how much you're willing to produce at a time. Thankfully, I have the solution."

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