Operation: FROST, Chapter 4

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Okay, everybody! It's time for the battle against Robo-Santa! And also a little plot twist during so.
Chapter 4: For Whom the Bells Toll

Santa's Workshop

The Sector IC team fought past the last group of Nefarious Drones before searching for Robo-Santa in the launch-off room. "He couldn't've gotten away that fast!" MaKayla yelled.

"Hey, what's that?" Miyuki asked, noticing part of the ramp; and the floor it was stationed on, move to the side. Another floor and ramp rose up, and Robot Santa was seen seated on his own sleigh, tied to two rows of robotic reindeer.

"HO HO ho!" Robo-Santa's eyes were giddy (meaning they were upside-down). "We had this DEATH Sleigh created JUST in case! My sack is fully loaded with the deadliest weapons of mass destruction!" They saw the red sack in his sleigh. "I'll fly around the world and see that NO naughty child has a chance to be naughty AGAIN! NOW: on Reindeer Unit 001! On Reindeer Unit 3.56! On Call Responder 568! On Reins Responder 601! On Master Reindeer 700!" Calling that reindeer made all the others activate. "Should've did that from the start. Aaaand... MUSH COMMAND 6.0!" He lashed the reins as rockets activated from the back of the sleigh. The robotic menace took off for the heavens with the robo-deer pulling him along.

At that moment, George King hurried in. "What's going on?" he panted.

"He's going to attack houses the traditional way." MaKayla told him. "Did you get the Reindeer? Where's Rumpel?"

"Oh, uh... let's just say they're both disposed of." George told them, rubbing his head nervously.

"Oh... Well, that Reindeer might've helped us."

"If kids see that evil Santa, they're NEVER gonna like him!!" Suki exclaimed sadly.

"Relax, Suki, we'll catch him." MaKayla assured. "We just need to think of how."

"Did someone call for a SLEIGH RIDE?!" They looked to the room's gateway as Jack Skellington flew in from outside, his skeleton reindeer screeching to a halt and turning around to face back at the launch ramp.

"Not... exactly." Terry said.

"Well, you know. Unfortunately, I can only carry one of you."

"Of course." Terry eye-rolled.

"I can do it!" Suki cheered, already leaping into the sleigh. "I gotta SAAAVE Christmas!"

"You sure you can handle it, Suki?" MaKayla asked.

"Of course!" she smiled brightly. "After ALL: I got JACK by my side!"

"Well, thank you." The skeleton smiled.

"I think she meant Jack Frost." MaKayla said with a disbelieved smirk.

"Oh..." Jack frowned. "Well, no matter!" he smiled again. "On Skull! On Boney! On Crany! On... um, I'll think of other names later LET'S GO!" He lashed his skeletal reindeer, and they began to fly off after Robot Santa.

The Sector IC team heard stomping behind them, and when they turned around, they were stricken with fear and shock. "Is...Is that-?!" MaKayla exclaimed.

(Play "Carol of the Bells (heavy metal)" by August Burns Red.)

Boss fight: Robot Santa Claus

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