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"I am not the only traveler who has not repaid his debt. I've been searching for a trail to follow again. Take me back to the night we met." – lord huran.

Chapter Theme Song: 'The Night We Met' by Lord Huran.


Amelia: 2019

...But then a hand appeared around me as he roped me into his hard chest. The scent of him enveloped me like a perfect blanket and I clung to his lapels as my tears turned to ice. The wind was freezing, and I was trembling from fright as I sobbed into the adverse refuge of his blazer.

I was dead. I was convinced I was though my feet were still on the ground.

He stepped back with me away from the opened grills, and the movements only had me clinging tighter to him. Then he swathed his other arm around me, cuddling me closer to his hot body as he strove to maintain both our footings. He was always so warm. Like a constant burning furnace, and it was like seeking coverage from the devil himself though he was the one who'd tried to harm me. I wasn't sure if that made me brave or desperate. Perhaps both.

I did not trust Khalil. I once did, but those feelings were now buried deep inside me under shambles of pain and sorrow and trauma, probably having no intent of resurfacing ever again.

"You really don't trust me, Amelia..." He then voiced my thoughts as he pressed his palm to my head, placing his cool lips on my hair. "You really don't trust me..."

He sounded hurt but his arms strengthened around me despite it. We were two of the same things in a discreet and unprofaned way. I clung to him for safety though he had made me scared, and he clung to me for 'something' though he knew I didn't trust him. It was as though he needed me to survive. To stay rooted on the ground. But maybe I was getting ahead of myself with such an impression.

My face was a wet mess against him as I sobbed into the night, the hidden away emotions finally relinquishing. I had been holding back and trying to be strong for days. I'd cry but it'd be after my strong restraint had worn down to nothing. But now there was no attempt to prove my strength, just the urge to pour out my tattered heart.

Khalil allowed me to. With no interruptions. But amidst my sorrow campaign I felt anger seeping in, mixing with my sadness and burning into something much hotter than his body temperature. My fingers untangled and I pressed them against his torso, shoving him with everything within me.

He stumbled back, pink lips parted, eyes wide. His bouncy hair was now landing over his eyes, looking much longer than before.

"Do you enjoy playing with my feelings, Khalil?!" I stepped forward and pushed him again. He stumbled into the dark room, his face melting at my frustration. "Do you think you can play with my feelings and that's it?!"

"Amelia. I am so—"

Another shove.

"I wish Mr. McKay hadn't walked through that door that day; I would not have met you!"

Another shove.

"I WOULD NOT HAVE MET ANY OF YOU CRAZY PEOPLE!" I screamed, and as my hands flew out to thrust his torso again, he grabbed onto them and pulled me into his arms, wrapping his hot biceps around me. I thrashed against him, but he only hugged me tighter. "I am sorry, Amelia. I am messed up. I truly am...I know that. I am sorry for hurting you."

"Let me go." My famous defense took over and I bit him in the area between his arm and chest. He winced and I took the opportunity to break away from him. While he recovered, I gave him a harder push to his chest, and he landed on the bed this time. I didn't know we had made it that far into the room, but it didn't matter. I landed thumps after thumps against his chest in a silly bid to avenge my pride, but he only grabbed onto them and pulled me down on top of him.

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