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"And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be, right in front of me, talk some sense to me."

Chapter Theme Song: 'I Found' by Amber Run.

Chapter Theme Song: 'I Found' by Amber Run

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Matt Colton was back.

The news had wrung through the halls like the relentless churning of a bell, spreading like an uncontained wildfire through a dry desert, and I had even caught a glimpse of him along the scanty corridors. Teeth white, eyes still filled with mischief, and scabs gathering on his red elbows. He'd been laughing as though life hadn't been better, and I was relieved, for knowing the reason behind another death would only push me off the cliff I was dangling on the edge of. I was a ballerina of self-destruction. Standing on pointy toes and balancing on the thin perimeter between life and death and soon...I feared that soon I'd go in for the fall. Only there might not be anyone there to catch me.

I thought I could have avoided the pale green eyes of the school's star footballer but as soon as I stepped out of the bathroom before lunch, my books went crashing to the ceramic floor. It took me a few seconds to realise I had bumped into someone, and as I squatted to pick them up, a dirty black sneaker pressed down on my blue pen, the flimsy material it was made of crackling under the sole. My head rose slowly, from grey pants to an unknotted tie and then to two forest circles drowning in venom and reproach.

My eyes blinked a couple of times, and I began to gather my books as the body came down to my height, staring into my face. I could feel the hatred radiating off him in a heatwave that threatened to clog my chest.

Matt seemed to come back with the intent of picking up where he'd left off.

"If it isn't the McKays' sweet little sister." He taunted, and I forced myself to look up.

I wish I hadn't. Jacob stood behind him, clicking his tongue while striking the side of his hand under his chin.

"This is bad, orphan girl, very bad."

Like hell it was. I hated Jacob and the way he infiltrated my thoughts without a warrant, but he was right that morning. Matt being back was bad and for several reasons. One being that he was sure to bully the triplets, and I knew very well what that could result in, though I was still not sure if they were the ones who had caused the crash. But Matt was certain, it seemed, because a breath reeked of weed and gums appeared close to my ear.

"Tell your cock-sucking brothers that I am back. So they can try tampering with my fucking car again."

The world stopped for a second, all oxygen was cut off, and now I couldn't remember how to breathe.

I swallowed and met his unwavering gaze, seeing the way his smile stretched all the way up to his eyes. There was a dent in his forehead, and the side of his face had a scar stretching from his ear to his sharp cheekbone. That must have been a result of the accident.

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