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"I died in your arms tonight. It was nice."

Chapter Theme Song: 'Arms Tonite' by Mother Mother.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Arms Tonite' by Mother Mother

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What Giselle Saw That Night

Third Person

The night was almost old, moon round and high with its pale silver beams dispatching over the earth. Giselle bit on her long manicured nails, thighs jerking in angst and back hunched in a fit of disappointment and reproach. This was how things always ended for her. While her friends got the chance to enjoy the thrills of their youths, she'd always be left behind, stuck under the stifling shed of adults and their obsolete jokes and pompous conversations.

Her mother flashed her teeth to the women surrounding her while her daughter darted her head to the door every other second. All it took was Meredith's call for help in opening a bottle of fruity wine for the teen to stealthily climb off the seat and head for the doors as soon as she was out of her guardian's supervision.

Outside, the night hugged her with its wide, icy arms, and in the distance, a dot of silver light peeked out from the nest of darkness. She pinched the hem of her skirt between skinny fingers, cheesy from the bag of savouries she'd been munching on earlier, and raced across the cold grounds to catch up with her friends.

They'd already gone through the torn-up fence, their figures no longer identifiable, and Giselle could feel her blood pumping hurriedly through her veins at how terrifying the forest before her was. She'd never dreamed of being out there alone. She had to admit that when Kanan had brought the dare up, she herself was met with shivers and was secretly hoping that Jacob would have chickened out; waved his white flag. But she knew the boy and he wasn't one to back down easily. Her mother had been a business partner of his father for years, and though she herself wasn't entirely fond of the pillock, she did admire him for his perseverance. But that was as far as her ratings went. Jacob Whitaker was too arrogant for his own good, and anyone who pissed Khalil off automatically pissed her off.

Of course, the dare was not for her, so she could have chosen not to go. But the thought of being in the dark clutched onto Khalil's taut bicep while pretending to freak out at her own shadows was too enticing to resist, and before she knew it, she was maneuvering her body through the hole the others had climbed through. Feeling like the white wolf of the pack, she hurried her way through the woodland to catch up with them. She needed to make haste. Soon, they would turn back and she wouldn't be able to live out her fantasies.

Overhung branches created silhouettes in her pathway, and twigs cracked under her shoe that had perhaps gathered a clod of wild manure since she could smell the stench above the wet grasses and moss.

They didn't make it that far, for she could already see the fleck of light from one of their flashlights. The tall, fearless trees surrounding her were getting more intimidating the farther she went in and she wished more than ever that she was walking with Khalil. She'd have cradled his arm while he hushed her and told her that everything would be alright. He'd have probably given her one of those piggybacks she would read about in the Mills & Boons to help ease her tension.

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