Everything change, isn't it? (part2)

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I stared down at the pile of folders which I'm always happy to work on. I love working but not today.

I have a date the most beautiful woman in my life, Charlotte

I don't usually smile( he never does duh!) But when the thing come on Charlotte. I smile like fucking teenager with raging harmones

My phone ringed. I answered and it was my dad.

I zoned out looking at the name of dad on my phone screen.I am confused, From start we do not talk much.

Nor he called neither me but today seems like an exception.

"Yes? " I answered and after talking with him for like a decade I didn't felt any excitement. I'm rather bored and can't wait to work again.

"I want to talk to you about something important. Come home" He said.

I no longer live with my dad after mom died because of cancer. I just couldn't go there it reminds me of her.

So I was not so close to my dad as I was child. Me, mom and dad were happy family until she died.

We seldom talk and that also about how my company is going.

I don't want to cancel my date with Charlotte but dad does't like to take no for an answer and thus is the only quality I inherited from him . As clear as it seems,I can't make it at my dinner date.

I sighed and leaned on seat in exhaustion.

"I will be there" I said. It's not like I have a choice.

"Good" And he hung up.

I called my secretary to come to my office.

She is decent lady with business experienced,married and expecting a baby soon.

That's also problem. She is going to quit soon and I need to find a secretary.

I don't hire single woman as my secretary because only thing they want do is to eye rape me.

I heard the knock on the door and murmured a small 'come in'

"Sir you called" My secretary, Cara asked.

"Cancel the book from the restaurant for the evening. I will be leaving early today and hold the interview for the secretary position and choose the suitable one. No sluts and if a men,the no gay"

"Got it sir and anything else? "

"No, you may go"


I pack up my suitcase and walked straight to the elevator.

I unlock my rolls Royce Sweptail and put my suitcase back of my seat and I sat on driver seat.

I looked at my phone and saw Charlotte call in the history.

I smiled and connected the call with my car.

"Hi Mr. Busy pants" She sarcastically screamed.

I chuckled. She always think I only care about my companies and all. I only work. Come on I work for only two, three, five, ten,15, 19,yes19hours.

Isn't it minimum? For a person who have empire to run worldwide?

" What are you doing hon? "I asked her.

" I just completed my assignments by that asshole boss of mine. Can you believe it, he gave 20 thousands pages to Annalise and find out errors today only" Yes her boss is asshole.

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