Another Episode of Me Badmouthing My Badluck

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"One more rose lemonade please" I ordered my sixth mock tail since private jet of his took off..

Vincent, from the first time broke his gze from laptop and looked me.

"What? It tastes so good"I reasoned because the way he is looking at me says otherwise.

" Whatever but keep your voice down. I'm working here"

I smiled widely at his little statement.

"One more big slice of B pizza please!" I shouted

Like I care about his warning.

I, Adalynn Rose, don't follow orders.

Knowing I wouldn't shut up for another six hours, he wore his earpiece.

I gave myself Pat for this little victory.

Just like this, whole ride to Bora Bora, I ate non-stoppably.

Even after the flight, I still had a last strawberry lemonade with one tequila shot cocktail in my hand.

Just when I thought my parents Fe is becoming better, it was raining.

It was raining on the beach and may I add, heavily.

I paced around our hotel suit like a mad woman.

While he sat on the edge of bed quite comfortable doing his business on his laptop, totally used to my mood swings.

My fucking bad luck.

I thought after reaching Bora Bora, I would just stay on beach and enjoy without his presence beside me.

But what I didn't know was my bad luck will follow all way to BoraBora.

Look! Now I'm stuck in same room with him.
His dearest dad had booked a VIP suit and reservation for other rooms is booked even though I saw two people checking out.

I'm telling you, his dad and my mom is being very fishy, like.... Like they want us to be together deliberately all the time.

And him and me couldn't do anything at least on this marriage matter.

We both are manipulated in different ways.

Fuck my bad luck.

And like this, whole day I wasted cursing my bad luck and my tragic destiny.


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