If being sexy was a sin

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Author's pov

Today is specially good day. I can feel it.

Today isn't a hectic day. Sunset is looking beautiful.So far,I felt enchanted by nature.

Not until I hear that same annoying couple fighting politely.

"Sorry to say Mr Harrington,you are walking little too in hurry"

"You could run Miss Rose if you can't keep up with me"

Adalynn doesn't like that husband of hers and it's totally ensuring that he feels the same.

Keeping up with each other is a big word to say about them.

Tolerating each other is a safest way to describe their relationship.

They both get seated on limousine keeping a reasonable distance.

"I thought we could atleast be friends,Mr.Harrington"she says throwing her hands in air before laying back on seat in jolt.

Now she is pissed.

"No offence,but you make it harder Miss ROSE"he look out at the sunset.

"I think Me.harrinton should be grateful that we maintain a professional demeanor otherwise I can be very hard to handle.No offence"

"Like the old times"he immediately regretted saying.

"Not like the old time,I was stupid before.when I say I'm hard to handle means I could throw a nice punch without even giving a fuck just because you uttered some passive aggressive bullshit at me"

"Don't you think it's very unprofessional of you"he mock her and fucking hell! That felt nice.

"Fine ,whatever "she pouted like a little child she is.

"We are here sir"the butler announces.

"Finally"hidden sarcasm behind her one word seems the most obvious..

He came to her side offering his hand as husband and wife should.

For crying out loud there is fucking parpparizes

When they go in,Adalynn stops.


"I'm waiting for Tessa"she says withdrawing her hand from his arm.

"Alright"he says and then walks in alone.

She dialled tessa's number.

"Where are you gurl?"she sighs rubbing her arm as the dress is incredibly short and it's little bit chilly outside

"Just there "

Soon a black Ferrari comes.

A beautiful looking Tessa in her red mini dress with curly hair loose in wild way made her look the ethereal

"What the fuck! you look so good" Tessa exclaims as she slaps Adalynn's chest.

Adalynn covers her chest in protective way.

"Hey! that's mean"

"Not meaner than you "Tessa grins.

She held out her arm for Adalynn and 0fcourse she accepts it gladly.

"Oh my gosh, I still can't believe it! you and me on a night out.aaaaaahhhh!"Tessa screams and jumps a lot as soon as she feels the music blasting.

"Stop it! You look like a crazy bitch" Adalynn could not help but laugh hard and jumps holding her hands.

"Just enjoy!!!"

", You know why you are here,right?"Adalynn asks.


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