A freaking bomb dropped

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Adalynn POV

I sat in front of her tapping my foot nervousness.who wouldn't when there is a awkward silence.

And I certainly not the one who will break it because I don't have anything to say right now.

"You are getting married next week" She like very calmly said to me.

I blinked my eyes twice as it was hard to register what does she mean by that?

Oh! I got it! She want me to marry Tyler soon as possible. They have a nice bonding even they met only met once.

My boyfriend is quite a charmer.

I also want to get married. I mean why not? I'm going to propose soon then ya know we will get married.

"You don't have to worry mom. I'm going to propose soon to Tyler but don't you think it's one week is not enough to get married. I'm going to vacation with Tyler" I relaxed a little bit on my seat. This isn't a tense conversation as I thought it would be.

"No Lynn, you are getting married to the guy your grandfather chose and you are getting married next week" She coldly stated.

My jaw literally touched the ground and  my  eyes outta my socket.

A joke! Yeah that. Is. A. Joke. It. Better. Be.

"Mom I never knew you could joke like that and it was a like heart attacking one" I laughed quietly but I was expecting same laugh like mine from mom from the last five minutes.

But it never came.

Then the fucking cold iced water dumped at dumb brain.

"I..... Wasn't....... A....... Joke" I emphasize every word with horror.

"No Lynn, tomorrow you are going to see your future husband and getting engaged tomorrow only and you may go" She said and start typing on laptop ignoring my flabbergasted self.

I am acting like a statue. Who wouldn't?

What kind of a freaking bomb right now?

And she said am about to get Tomorrow with a complete stranger?!

Like hell! Is the wedding is joke these days ? cause the way my mom said the marriage thing, is like a cool thing you can do anytime. What's the big deal?

Furthermore she told me to leave?

I slammed my hands on table, don't worry it's not gonna break this easily.

"Are you being fucking logical right now? " I yelled at her and she break her gaze from laptop and look at me with calm and collected face.

I telling you guys she is a robot because she acts like one.

Getting emotions out of her is like telling a kid to stop crying for silly things.

Do you make sense right Lynn?

No but who cares?

"You are getting married and that's it. It's not my fault your grandfather signed a deal with your future husband's grandmother to tie up both families" She told me the history which didn't even take my opinion whether his granddaughter want to get marry or not.

We are living in 21st century for fuck's sake.Arrange marriage thing still exists?

"What made you think that I'm gonna get married? " I challenged.

I'm not sorry if I'm being bitch to my own mom.

"You don't want your father's hard work to go in vain, do you? " She never smirked but her expression showes guilty and sorry just a second.

Colliding AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora