It was not supposed to be a double date

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Charlotte's point of view-


That's what I've been.

Since the love of my life married some another woman. (Dramatic af)

What can I say?

I've been trying to avoid him as much as possible, seeing him even glancing at him makes me cry all over again.

I know he told me to not worry, it's just a contract marriage. I believe him whole heatedly.

But little part of me is scared oraybe insecure because she is gorgeous, attractive, lovable and just maybe what if he start liking her?

What if he start to feel for her something?

What if I'm no longer his cause of happiness?
I feel nothing in comparison of her.

I respect his grandma but right now in our case, she did nothing but being a bitch.

Can't she let us have beautiful life we desired?


She has to sign a contract with her family before dying.

I'm telling you I'm being a bitch these days
Trying to put blame on everyone my mind came across on.

Vincent, Her, his grandma, her grandpa etc.

Drinking the last sip from empty bottle, I throw it distantly.

I need more.

Getting up from ground all tipsy and all got a nice cut from broke vase.

I open my fridge founding there is no bottles left anymore.


Putting on over sized hoodie on naked chest, I walked out from my home after 4 weeks.

I did a huge effort reaching to the departmental store, buying alcohol as ssom as possible.

Just when I got out from store, a very familiar rather more than just familiar face pulled ever so tightly, that for a second it was hard for me breathe.

The same person I vowed to avoid my whole is here in front hugging me tightly.

I had my attempts to get get free for my hold but o know it's useless.

My hands gave so does my unshed tears I'm holding back.

"Are you okay? " Just today I realized how much I wish to hear his voice.

It's calmness some calmed my shaken senses.

"I'm" A short answer I know.

He let go of me examining my face with so much concern. God I missed him so much. Everything about him.

"Why didn't you answer my calls" He asked.

I have answer so I simply stared at the ground.

He stayed quite. Expecting a answer.

I looked up hesitatingly age answered "yeah! I forgot to tell, I've been very busy-"I tried to lighten up the tense environment by adding little exclamation in my voice but he cut me off.

" Drinking? Busy drinking "he caught me right there.

" Are you kidding "

"Are you kidding me! " He looked angry.

A good kind of angry.

I know he is angry because I'm lying straight on his face.

"So what the fuck should I do huh? " I burst out in anger..

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