I want you to beg,Mr.Harrington*evil laugh*

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Adalynn's pov

It's totally weird yet reasonable he didn't remember last night.thanks to heavens he did not remember otherwise it would have made things weirder.

It's not good.it is wrong

I mean am I crazy?

Tyler calling me first in the morning with cute smile of his made the matter worst.

Coming to conclusion,last night was another mistake.

I will make sure that never happens.we don't want to make things complicated,right?


Just when I made up my mind ,I got a text from Vincent

Vincent:I want to talk to you,come to my office

You would probably laugh at my flabbergasted look but you bloody people! it's not funny.

Don't tell me -

Imagining made the matter worse.

I punched the poor pillow.

(do I really feel guilty of puching the pillow*awkward laugh*)

I need to look like I'm confident.

9nlt a good outfit could make it better.

Black and white combination jumpsuit with a black matching purse.

Hairs all down with a beret cap with a white net attached on it.

Choosing my favourite golden rings and some sprinkling of perfume,i think I look ready.

Try to look composed

Just say 'you were drunk,I was sincerely shooked by your sudden action ,it wouldn't happen again, I swear on my ice skates'

Practising infront ofmirror each time with very different tones.

First one,too sweet to give you diabetes kind of tone.

Second, nonchalant or bossy or not feeling guilty at all kind of tone.

Third, emotional tone

Fourth,just blurting put quickly kind 9f tone

Fifth, making it look like it's your fault tone

Sixth, you couldn't resist my charm so you did it and it's totally not my fault kind of tone

Seventh, thinking about my life choices kind of tone.

Last one seems more natural to me.


"How matly I help you ma'am?"the receptionist of his company asked.

Don't they know me or just trying to play dumb,?

But honestly I'm happy someone treating me like normal person not the wife of Vincent.

I love her already .(you didn't need to exaggerate that much)

"Just inform Mr.Vincent ,Adalynn is here"I politely replied.

I really stopped myself from spitting his surname after my name.

"Sorry, ma'am, Mr.Vincent is packed up right now"she smiled sweetly.

I had an got an good excuse to run back.

For a minute, I really considered it but then.............

The receptionist got a call and her politeness became too much polite to be true.

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