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Hello guys!

Yup! I'm still alive. Sorry for literally disappearing. I know you guys commented to update soon and honestly I felt really bad for you all. I know it's feels frustrating to wait for updates.

I'm sorry.


I promised you update ten chapters so here they are but I do not really like it.

I don't know his other writers do it but simply it's not my thing.

I did have four times five at least five months before. I really wished I could update but I need keep uop my 10 chapter promise.

Then I got into very bad writer block plus never ending assignment, lack of sleep and no motivation to write something creative.

So guys, update one or two chapters in a week is the most realistic goal for me.

You will at least update in one or two weeks and I will also feel satisfied to keep updating whenever I wrote new chapters.

So overall!, Writing 10 chapters was a terrible choice.

And you should look forward to next update,something good us coming up ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ –

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