Rose And Daisy

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Vincent's pov

She hates rose.Even when everything about her reminds me of rose even her surname is rose.

I remember her giving me daisies instead roses.
Don't everyone express their love through roses?

That silly smile on lips,her cheeks tinted pink,her eyes avoiding my gaze and her hands giving me me bunch of daisies.

I didn't know what to do.i hate her guts to even think I would accept flowers from her.

"It's for you" Her cheeks turn into more than pink.
A shade between red and pink.

I shouldn't be gazing this much but something about her today is mesmerizing.

The sunset falling behind her,her strands of hair lighting up like flames,her eyes glowing with giddiness and her knuckles turning white as she holds the bunches the flowers more tight.

Making sure her hands don't tremble but it is, miserably.

Why am I staring like a fucking creep?

What is wrong with you?

Get moving.

Ignore her like you always do.

Like you presume her as a sick leech.

Why don't back the fuck away?

I remember repeating them again and again till I get out from zoning at her.

I blinked.

Like always,I turned my back and walk away.

Guilt is not something I feel when it comes Adalynn rose but regret is something I do feel even when there is no reason to feel like this way.

"W-wait!"she whimpered.

I can imagine her tears falling.

I stopped on my tracks.

"It's okay if you don't like flowers but can you take a walk with me?"she asked.

I stayed silent.

Tell her to fuck off like you always do.

She'll stop following you.

I kept walking I could feel her catching up til she is walking beside me ,her head looking on the ground probably to hide the fact she was crying

We walked to through the abandoned road but still not exactly.

The sun which was setting was also following us.

I dare not to glance at her.

But I did.
It wasn't really cold weather but wasn't really hot either.

It was little windy.
Breezing enough to let her long hairs falling back with each steps.

"Oh god! you walk too fast"she tries to ease up my mood by acting funny I think but it's noticeable she herself is trying to ease up.

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