#51 play games.

637 12 39

TW! Rape mentioned

Sebastian's pov:
"So you're telling me that I'm now sitting infront of my 'long lost sister?'. Are you a hundred percent sure that your parents names are Karena Selvor and Farrell Traiv?"

"Yes. They have told me about you before matter a fact. You are seasation right?"


"Good to meet you. Parents told me that you ran off not wanting to stay with them, so they let you do so"

Fucking liars.

"Yeah well they are putting it on me to keep themselves from looking like a fool." I rolled my eyes "Wait. Aren't they supposed to be dead anyways?"

"They never died. What are you talking about?"

"On their vacation? The bomb?"

"Never heard of it"


"Where the fuck are they? We need to have a simple talk" I said eyeing her.

That might lead to their actual death this time.

"They are in Canada right now"

"Canada? That big country with nice ass people all around?"

"Yea. They actually aren't nice but they've been living there for a while. I did too until I got kidnapped and sent to another country, which is here"

"Who did that. Richard?" I questioned knowing it was probably him that got his men to kidnap her from another country. Dumbest shit ever.

"Mhm" she nodded as I turned towards Aaron.

"What information have you gotten about Davina?"

"Apparently she's close by with a friend. She escaped her abusive husband and is running away from him."

"What's her husbands name"

"Fool you don't know your own sisters husbands name. His name is Adam Danon"

Of course it's an Adam.

"Alright well you just tell me if you find her. Right now I need to go kill a guy"

"Let's work together"

"Yea so you could ruin everything? No" footsteps came from the door Aaron had walked in from.

"Am I the one you are looking for?" The little girl that's apparently my sister gasped as if she had been holding her breath for 3 hours.

"Well well. If it isn't Sibby the cunt I kidnapped"

"Watch your mouth"

"Are you her little protector now?" Lero instantly grabbed his gun and shot him on his thighs.

"Sibby, Aaron, Lero. Let's go." I motioned for Sibby and Aaron to come with me.

I thought convincing Aaron would be much harder, but I guess not. "Lero. Grab Richards Body and throw him into the trunk. We'll deal with him later"

Lero nodded as he walked up to Lero, grabbed his body and threw him onto his shoulders.

Sibby looks terrified, but it's time to get home.

I need to go check up on Delilah, throw Richard in the basement and make sure he is tied up, then figure out all this shit with Aaron and Sibby.

My parents. Aren't dead. Sadly.

As we all jump into the car, Aaron sits in the passenger seat and pulls out his MacBook.

"Whatcu doing"

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